The Pope denies registering

Reuters disclosed that the Vatican made an announcement about the domain name,, effectively denying that they registered it themselves: The Vatican said on Wednesday an unknown buyer had snapped up the internet address, a domain combining its name with an extension reserved for pornographic content. “This domain is not available because it has […]

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ICM Registry retains premium Shocker Domain!

With almost 100,000 .XXX domains already registered, one has to wonder just how many of those adult jewels are reserved by the ICM Registry. Yesterday we were perusing a domain list and it turns out that one of the reserved .XXX domains is a match of a classic and well-known shocker site. Not sure why […]

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Almost 100,000 .XXX domains so far

There are now almost 100,000 .XXX domain names in existence, according to a little “birdy” 😀 This number includes defensive registrations and domains reserved by the ICM Registry and it’s almost double the results of the general availability launch day. It’s expected that early next week the 1,500 remaining .XXX registrations will thus surpass this […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. – Part of the $700,000 .XXX sale package

The domain name was part of the $700,000 .XXX domain package sold to adult entertainment publisher, Clips4Sale. [NSFW!] was sold for the astounding amount of $300,000 – making it the 2nd most expensive .XXX domain to be sold before the general availability of December 6th. The top position is being held by the […]

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Domain squatter Justin Crews gets coal for XXXmas

A Californian by the name of Justin Crews made news earlier this week after he registered the domain name It seems that the ICM Registry is suspending all such trademark or business mark domain names, per their press release earlier today. Mr. Crews apparently registered several other .XXX domains that are trademarks or business […]

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PR: ICM Registry Acts in Response to Reports of Cyber-Squatting

A new press release was issued by the ICM Registry, titled: ICM Registry Acts in Response to Reports of Cyber-Squatting Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. December 13, 2011. ICM Registry, the official registry of the new .xxx top-level domain TLD, announced that as part of its investigation of reported cybersquatting by a handful of individuals, it […]

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ICM Registry CEO Stuart Lawley fought the conservative US government – and won!

Stuart Lawley, CEO of the ICM Registry that less than a week ago unleashed the .XXX TLD to the world, is an experienced Internet investor and executive. Lawley developed and successfully managed a number of UK and US businesses in office technology and the Internet. He served as the Chairman of plc, a British […]

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Domainers and .XXX investing: Cautiously optimistic!

We ran a poll over the weekend, about how many .XXX domain names people have or plan to register. The poll is now closed and the results indicate that more than 50% of the voting domainers (57% to be precise) have not invested in .XXX domain registrations and do not plan to either. The combination […]

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Directly from the source: .XXX domains ARE allowed to be parked

We asked Stuart Lawley, CEO of the ICM Registry, about rumors that .XXX domains cannot be parked. His response: Yes. [they can be parked] False alarm, folks. Have a great Friday 😀  

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Oops! Non-adult domains in the .XXX TLD

The .XXX TLD launched on December 6th was a triumph of perseverance over both the religious right and the conservative US government that held it down for the eight years of the George W. Bush administration. Thousands of .XXX domains were registered, at a premium price and thousands more are expected to become active web […]

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Francois launches

French domain investor, Francois is known for his numerous enterprises, which include various platforms for niche markets. For the most part, they all unite under the platform. With the launch of the .XXX TLD, Francois is launching yet another project which could prove popular with the adult industry: “Yes there extra X because […]

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How .XXX beat the Bush administration

For the eight years of the George W. Bush administration, the ICM Registry had to fight with both the conservative US governement and the religious right. The opposition to the now live .XXX TLD went as far as to create parody videos aimed directly at the ICM Registry CEO, Stuart Lawley – a self-made millionaire […]

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