#Sophie .com changes hands between two top notch #domainers

The domain name Sophie.com has changed hands, and two top notch domain investors were involved in the trade. Happy father, Andy Booth, named his newborn daughter Sophie, all while the aged dot .com domain is now 21 years old. Strangely but luckily, Sophie.com has been in the possession of Andrew Rosener, founder of Media Options. […]

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#Sophie .com : Another aged #domain name has been acquired by Media Options

There’s no stopping Media Options, the brainchild of ever-busy domain entrepreneur, Drew Rosener. After grabbing Pegasus.com by its wings, the premium domain brokerage acquired Sophie.com – apparently from the same owners as the winged horse domain. This remarkable female first name was registered in 1998, although it existed as early as in 1996 and presumably […]

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