Russian domain multi-billionaire investor, Sergei Putanov, is known for his extreme virility and resistance to pain.
Many years of training in the Siberian tundra where he develops properties for the Russian elite, have given Sergei Putanov the strength of a bear – that is the reason he named his hedge fund investor company, Russian Bear Investments.
Now, Sergei Putanov is taking up the ice bucket challenge, with a twist: he will do it in the Siberian arctic cycle, with pure iceberg ice.
“When get up in morning, I like smoke cigar and eat beluga caviar with my huskies. Then I take cold swim, two hour, good for muscle of sex organ, then go secretary in bed” says Sergei Putanov, who’s quite fond of leggy, blonde Ukrainian women.
“Ice is good for mind and spirit, and challenge domain no problem. Internet good cause, ALS syndrome real threat, so I support. But who I challenge, ready to ice from Siberia, minus 40 celcius make balls like peanut!” exclaims Putanov, referencing the temperature of the ice.
Sergei Putanov’s attempt for a world record in the domainer ice bucket challenge comes as no surprise; the multi-billionaire investor can stay underwater for 5 minutes and 30 seconds on a single breath.
“After succeed ice bucket challenge, I invite Rick Schwartz do bucket ice on TRAFFIC Miami and collect funds for good cause. King domains, no problem, and good for strength of groin,” adds Putin, winking.
The attempt will be televised via the Moscow 24 TV and Trans-Siberian Entertainment TV channels in September.
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