‘Ice Cream’: Chubby GoDaddy geek in Sexy new KOVAS video!

Ice Cream video by KOVAS

Ice Cream video by KOVAS

By now you’ve probably thrown up several times, after seeing GoDaddy’s “Perfect Match” commercial.

The red faced, chubby GoDaddy geek making out with Israeli supermodel, Bar Refaeli, received numerous remarks after the Super Bowl – the majority being explicitly negative.

Let’s face it: there was nothing inventive about that GoDaddy commercial.

Now, if instead of the chubby guy, there was a young emo female making out with Refaeli – that would have been creative. 😀

But don’t go on hating our chubby friend, Jesse Heiman, for being used by GoDaddy in such a way.

He’s taking part – along with perpetual boy wonder, Andy Milonakis – in a new, sexy video called “Ice Cream” by artist KOVAS. Now, that’s much better!

Can you locate him in the video? 😀

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