Once in a while we come across a real porker of a domain name, the kind that breaks one’s database, or WordPress layout.
With 63 characters as the limit – at least for now – domain names can be rather lengthy if needed.
Most people would max out at 3-4 words to define a short phrase, like DeepDomainKnowledge.com or StartKissingFemaleVampires.org.
One domain that caught our attention was 14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510.com which is owned by HugeDomains.
At first glance it doesn’t make sense why HugeDomains would want $2,195 dollars for this monster, but it soon dawned upon us.
See, there’s a secret here, these are the first 50 decimal digits of pi, and it’d take one more step to complete it, by creating a subdomain of “3” that’d go at the beginning. 😀
Is owing 50 shades of pi worth spending two grand plus? You decide.