Trademark application shares what the two pecans mean!

The proud owners of the generic domain,, have applied for the registration of the mark PECANS.COM alongside an illustration of two angled pecan nuts.

Having held the domain since 1996, the owners are definitely proud of their company.

The mark’s application covers food processing services, along with the following class:

Retail store services featuring retail quality inshell and shelled pecans, pecan based foods and snack items, flavored pecans, pies, candy and assorted other pecan related item; On-line retail store services featuring retail quality inshell and shelled pecans, pecan based foods and snack items, flavored pecans, pies, candy and assorted other pecan related items

In applying for the trademark PECANS.COM, the applicant reveals what is the meaning of their logo:

The mark consists of two pecans slightly off center above the name of represent the owner and his wife who have worked tirelessly building into a company both they and all employees are proud to be a part of.

Awww! 😀

The sweet story continues on their web site,

Although the namesake itself was unrealized until the 90’s, the history of the company dates back to around 1971. It all began when owner DeWayne McCasland and his father, Homer McCasland, decided to purchase a ranch in Mills County to raise cattle.

“We were cowboys who raised chickens, turkeys, goats, sheep and cattle,” DeWayne recalls. “We didn’t know anything about growing pecans. We bought this place, and it had lots of trees on it. It looked pretty and we thought we’d take care of it.” The next year they gathered the nuts and realized they were more profitable to sell than cattle.


That’s sooooo sweeeeet! 😀

Good luck with the trademark, it now takes 6 months for a mark to be assigned to an attorney, thanks to an influx of mark applications from China.

Why was PECANS.COM applied for as a trademark at the USPTO?

It’s an ongoing trend among owners of generic domain names, following the decision by SCOTUS on the trademark application.

Since then, dozens of generic domain names have been applied to be registered as trademarks, inclusive of the TLD. We keep track of these applications, and so far none has been decided upon.

As of January 5th, 2021, BOOKING.COM is a registered trademark with the USPTO.

Will these applications become the new norm? Watch this video from NamesCon Online 2020.

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