Domain Name Forum plagued by nasty spam and bad jokes

It’s sad when a forum that was launched several years ago as an arena for domain professionals, has been almost completely annihilated.

Plagued by spammers that constantly bombard its “Domains For Sale” and “Domains Wanted” sections with spam about iron golf clubs, looks nothing like the image that Japanese domain investor Satoshi Shimoshita had in mind when he launched it, eight years ago.

Under Domains for Sale, the enduing chaos is overwhelming:

The original TaylorMade Burner 2.0 Irons were developed in groups with the long irons, middle irons and short irons designed separately“, says one thread from March 30th, while a thread titled ‘Download porn‘ says “We’re always working towards adding more features that will keep your porno addiction alive and well.

Meanwhile, under General Discussion, one can find a sticky thread titled Some funny jokes, that appears to contain humor translated from Asian cultures. In the same section, one can find a variety of golfing “shafts” – unless they click on the thread about .

It’s truly sad seeing the decadence of an once popular domain name forum, created by an established domain investor. has no relation to

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2 Responses to “Domain Name Forum plagued by nasty spam and bad jokes”
  1. aZooZa says:

    Damn shame – I never even new it existed until I saw your article. Looks like nothing’s been posted there since 30th March…

  2. BullS's Friend says:

    Herro there blog author, I read ur brog every day and I very interest in the topic of ‘Home Page’.

    I have many domain for sale incruding “,” any many many others I wish to sell for BIN US$15 000 – bargain!”

    In regards to the decadence of online forums, me agree, one hundred PERCENT! Many posts in brogs are also decrining in valrue.

    Keep up the good work,
    BullS’s Websites Friend

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