Domainers need to know : Where in the world is Matt Cutts?

Matt Cutts targets guest blogging. What's next?

Matt Cutts where are you?

Matt Cutts, head of search spam at Google, is on a long sabbatical that many SEO specialists perceive as permanent.

During the tenure of Matt Cutts, Google launched Penguin and Panda; these updates turned the world of search engine optimization and discoverability of domains and web sites upside down.

It’s true: The Google Wolf 1.0 article was a parody, but it could have been true, if Matt Cutts were around.

It seems that Matt Cuts, who is on an unpaid leave from Google for personal reasons, won’t be arriving back to work this year.

We’re hoping that on a personal level, everything is ok, but we can’t help it speculating “where in the world is Matt Cutts?”

After all, domainers need to know.

Here are the Top 8 places that Matt Cutts might be at right now.

  • Working at Facebook, as an undercover agent for Google. Expect him to sport a beard, hipster look and contacts.
  • On a secret mission for the Federal Government in the Middle East, gathering SEO and other data for a future “boots on the ground” against ISIS.
  • En route to a “transition” like Bruce Jenner. We don’t judge.
  • Training as the next Dr. Evil for a sequel of “Austin Powers.”
  • Preparing with the NASA team that will send the first man and woman to planet Mars.
  • Locked up in a dungeon at the Google headquarters until 2027.
  • On a mission in the Amazon to discover animal species unknown to Google’s search results, before Wikipedia catches whiff of it.
  • Inside a cybernetic organism’s exoskeleton, as in Ex Machina.
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