Today’s lesson, with Father Domainicus.
Greetings and salutations, my fellow brothers and sisters in Domaining. This is Father Domainicus, and I will deliver a short message this fine Tuesday evening.
Many of us are familiar with the devastation currently occurring in parts of New Jersey.
I am not referring to sightings of a postpartum depression-laden Jersey Shore sweetheart, Snooki, but the weather raining and blowing down in the area. The entire New England area is unsafe, so if you are a domainer from the parishes of that northern region, hunker down, brother!
A lot of unscrupulous comedians decided to post images of New York, submerged under water.
While this would wash away the sins of its millions, it is not of this world to decide what is right or wrong. But it’s not acceptable to post fake pictures of sharks swimming in Fifth Avenue, so here is a guide about the latest photographic evidence.
As always, domaining is a tough job. It requires that you work the land hard, even if you go underground to do that.
If you went out and registered domains related to Hurricane Sandy, the Domain Lord will not bless you with his wholesome love.
Beware, my domaining children, for there is only one way to pull the diamonds from the rough: use only the proper, the righteous way. Do not attempt to benefit, to earn profits, to whore out your good karma for a fistful of bloodied shekels.
I leave you with a promise to return with yet another message from our Domain Lord, soon. Amen to that.
~Father Domainicus.
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