Howard Neu’s open letter to Oversee officer Jeff Kupietzky was missing in action as of a few minutes ago.
In this latest public jousting about conference ethics, Howard Neu expressed the lack of communication between the “West” and “East” wings of the domain industry.
Rick Schwartz chimed in with his usual staccato style and from there, the exchange of commentary escalated.
It’s for the best that Howard removed his post.
Some commentators advised counting to 10 and then some more before taking public such a heated argument. Others, were down right offensive and ridiculing with their remarks, either against the TRAFFIC team or the DomainFest team.
Unfortunately, this vertical division of the domain market is related to both practical issues and lack of communication between the “old guard” and the “new tech” people.
The problem is, such a division, when made so obvious will eventually divide the small market of domainers that are interested in one thing only: to make money from domains.
Kudos to Howard for removing the post.
And now let’s see the TRAFFIC and the DomainFest guys issue a joint announcement of future contribution to the domain industry. It’s unfortunate, however, that Don King’s boxing match won’t happen. 😀
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I expected vitriol from some who have never attended a T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Conference, but it appears that there IS a full moon out.
Wow Howard. It’s amazing how condescending and obnoxious you make yourself sound after being complemented for taking down an offensive, divisive and, IMO, childish post. I have a lot of respect for you and Rick for what you both have accomplished but I find myself not wanting to be associated with TRAFFIC in any way based on the way you all have handled yourselves lately.
This stuff happens all the time in other industries, and you know how people handle it? They iignore it and move on. Yet here people can’t do that – they have to call attention to themselves and whine. Maybe you should cancel the conference so it doesn’t happen again – it’s a solution Rick has used before….