Several companies are formed and based in Panama, in order to provide WHOIS privacy services.
Long before the onslaught of the GDPR that rendered WHOIS information useless, the privacy WHOIS option enables both legitimate parties seeking peace of mind, and unscrupulous spammers.
New data about digital piracy of images, shows that Panama accounts for 6.76% of these violations, with the US leading the pack:
“What is astonishing however, is that Panama, with a population of only 4 million, comes in second place with 6.76 percent of copyright violations […] While this may be shocking at first glance, the reason why this is the case makes this figure much more reasonable.
“Panama is actually a popular destination for privacy protection services to register domains on behalf of third parties. This service is provided in order to disguise domain ownership information and publicly accessible ‘Whois’ data with the intention of keeping a site’s actual owner undetected.”
China comes in third.
You can read the full report here.

Panama and WHOIS Privacy services – Photo by Alejandro Carvallo on Unsplash