Russian drama: Sergei Putanov files UDRP over Moscow.Plumbing domain

Sergei Putanov - Russian billionaire investor.

Sergei Putanov – Russian billionaire investor.

Russian multi-billionaire domain investor and land developer, Sergei Putanov, is making headlines once again in Russia; and it’s not about the Sochi Olympics.

Sergei Putanov is long vested in controversial gTLD applications, such as dot .prostitute in Cyrillic, and the latest drama involves the domain name Moscow.Plumbing, by Donuts, Inc.

Our correspondent in Russia, Nikolai Domienenko spoke to Sergei Putanov of Russian Bear Investments:

Nikolai Domienenko: Sergei, we read in Pravda yesterday, that you plan to file a UDRP against the squatters of the domain Moscow.Plumbing, what is it that you’re after?

Sergei Putanov: Yes, Nikolai, I tell you this, in winter waters froze in Mother Russia, so plumber best investment to have, no? When go toilet, need no frozen water wash hand or flush toilet caca down. Investment good, and Moscow big city, old city, broken pipe often. But someone got Moscow.Plumbing, perfect name domain for business.

Nikolai Domienenko: That’s very shocking to discover, especially since Donuts, Inc. promised the new domain space will give professionals the opportunity to register the domains for their business. What will be your position in the UDRP?

Sergei Putanov: In Mother Russia, as you know, we have saying “When bear goes steal fish, fisherman kill bear legal” – which mean, if mess with my business, I break leg, or both leg. I file UDRP, which stand for Ukraine Democratic Russian Process, for reclaim Moscow.Plumbing – or I break leg registrant for free. Understand?

Nikolai Domienenko: Perfectly clear, now that you mentioned it, Sergei. How much money do you plan to invest in gTLDs this year?

Sergei Putanov: Hard to say now, invest in commodities, like escort woman from Ukraine, caviar from Caucasus and cigar from Cuba. Domain gTLD most suck but Dot .Plumbing and Dot . Diamonds, I like. Spend money, after Sochi games over, calculate transport cost and invest in Dot .Sexy for escort business, favorite. I tell you later.

Nikolai Domienenko: Sergei, thank you for the update on your position on gTLDs and best of luck with your UDRP for Moscow.Plumbing.

Sergei Putanov: Thanks, and come after UDRP over to visit dacha, have fine Ukraine prostitute and caviar.

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2 Responses to “Russian drama: Sergei Putanov files UDRP over Moscow.Plumbing domain”
  1. You know who says:

    I sure love those russian chicks and their plumbing! Definitely not frozen 😛

  2. DomainGang says:

    You know who – You are one mischievous little devil. Pussy Riot would approve.

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