Due to a severe lack of quality control, the Australian aftermarket Flippa.com is fast becoming the junkyard where domain newbs pose as “developers” and opportunists attempt to sell worthless domains for thousands of dollars.
Such is the case with this sales entry on Flippa: the seller of MadeInChina.xxx is asking for $595,000 for this “beauty”.
We LOLed at the description:
“If you had 500,000 ads on MadeinChina.XXX and you charged only $5/year. Yes only $5 per year not per month, that’s $2,500,000 income per year. If you charged $5/month which is normal rate that’s $2,500,000 per month or $30 million per year.”
The description ends with this moronic statement about development:
“To create a website on this domain shouldn’t cost more than $1000.”
After reading Andrew Knibbe‘s condescending article titled “Domain investing is dead” and subsequently how the Flippa executive flip-flopped after the backlash, we aren’t shocked that such “jewels” are giving domain investors a bad name!
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lol there was a member on DNF as well asking for offers in $xxx,xxx for a 3 keyword xxx domain
Damn, I still can’t believe that dude said domain investing is dead…if I ever see that guy on the streets I’ma Flippa him off!