ICANN president and CEO, Göran Marby, delivered his seal of approval for the deal presented to Verisign, managers under contract of .com and .net domain names.
In exchange, ICANN will be bestowed $20 million dollars over 5 years, to perform DNS infrastructure improvements.
In effect, ICANN gave no real consideration to thousands of comments by entrepreneurs, domain investors, and anyone with a .com domain, who opposed the .com price increase and associated contractual terms. Despite the overwhelming opposition to the .com price increases, Mr. Marby pulled the trigger.
A post by Zak Muscovitch, General Counsel, Internet Commerce Association, yesterday, analyzed how the ICANN multi-stakeholder process reached “a new low.” In other words, ICANN made a mockery of the process: Why seek the submission of comments when you aren’t going to take them into account anyway?
ICA sent a letter to ICANN on April 2nd, detailing their position. You can view the full letter here.
Before embarking on a decision affecting 140 million registrations and imposing a burden on consumers in the hundreds of millions of dollars, you could have easily consulted with stakeholders. By “before”,we mean before negotiating a revised Registry Agreement, rather than seeking comment afterwards.
You could have undertaken an economic study to fulfill your mandate to act in the public interest and to ensure that increasing prices is helpful to the public, rather than solely for your registry operator.
You could have studied and identified if there were any reasonable views to be considered that were contrary to your adopted view that “ICANN is not a price regulator”, and you may even have adopted such different views.
You could have taken stock of the nearly unanimous opposition to price increases from registrants, and determined that based upon public feedback, you should change course in order to serve the public interest.
Instead, you negotiated a controversial price increase, inter alia in exchange for a $20 million payment,prior to seeking any public feedback. When you received feedback, you did not reconsider or change course whatsoever. You empowered Staff to make decisions rather than take responsibility yourself.
Let’s take a poll regarding Mr. Marby’s future:
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Should the #ICANN president, Göran Marby, resign? dudh..of course and you will be the president
that guy in charge of WHO should be criminalized too!!
I heard Kushner is up next to run ICANN, swamp consider yourself drained. /s
Resign? Why? He is doing all the damage he can and no one can touch him. Trump will probably send a tweet thanking him for robbing the world of a few billions and awarding the billions to US companies.
After his term finishes he will get a job at NoEthos Capital or Verisign.