Too much #rum? Puerto Rican pride and joy #domain was auctioned off

Puerto Rico is the rum capital of the world and not just because it’s home to several big rum factories and brands. Boricuas appreciate the presence of Bacardi and other distilleries on the three main islands of Puerto Rico, but the reason that PR is the rum capital of the world is due to the […]

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#Boricua dominios : Puerto Rico #domain registry released 64,000 reserved #domains

Puerto Rico has its own ccTLD, dot .PR and pricing is not exactly cheap! Most domain registrars quote a price of over $1,100 dollars per year to register and renew domain names. Regardless, the dot .PR registry released 64,000 domains that it kept reserved for years. Anyone willing to spend some serious cash is welcome […]

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Dot .com domains in the wild :

Tracking domain names in public places is like chasing Pokemons, without the embarrassment. New gTLDs get all the attention these days, and we often keep track of “non-com sightings” to give them some extra popularity. We also keep track of the good old .com domains that might come our way. Sometimes one has to react […]

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Hey, cabron! Puerto Rican Domain Registry charges $1,000 bucks!

Puerto Rico might be a US “unincorporated territory” without a state status, but it has several benefits that stem from this unique relationship: No federal income tax. Puerto Rican residents don’t pay Uncle Sam a penny. Nice women. If curvy Latinas with at-ti-tu-de is your thing. Nice beaches. Great food. Recently we took a look […]

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