Sedo: Sales results of the LLL domain auction topped by

Sedo held a week-long auction of three letter domain names, spanning .com, .net, and .org TLDs. The auction took place from May 16-23, 2024. The auction attracted 181 domain submissions and the results are in. A total of 25 LLL domain names were sold for a grand total of $19,652 dollars (converted from various currencies.) […]

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Sedo Great Domains auction : has been sold

The Sedo Great Domains auction for April is over, and has been sold to the highest bidder. The auction for attracted 12 bids from 5 bidders, with the winner forking out $30,999 dollars for the domain. was registered in 1996, making it a 21 year old, three-letter .com domain. Considering that W, […]

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Chinese domain market report : Do you bleach your meat?

China faces unprecedented growth, rising up from a nation of rice farmers, to a technological giant. Still, the 2nd largest economy in the world operates as a highly unregulated market, and safety regulations are indeed suffering. Take, for example, the case of “bleached meat“ – more than 1000 tons of it – that was smuggled […]

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