#Meta domain was sold by HugeDomains to Mark Zuckerberg

Meta domains have become popular since Facebook created Meta Platforms, Inc., as an umbrella corporation to Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp. Domain investors take note: There are many meta domains that appear “generic” but if they were registered after the launch of the Meta platform they might be infringing on pending or existing trademarks. In general, […]

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#Meta brand sunsets the .ORG; secures Twitter but not Instagram handle

Facebook moved the umbrella company to Meta, operating from the domain, all while individual app names remain the same. It will also move its FB stock ticker to MVRS on December 1st. Some say that the wolf got a new sheep’s clothing, but Facebook & Meta founder, Mark Zuckerberg, says the domain rebranding was […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. The next seven figure acquisition by Meta?

Facebook is moving its umbrella operation to Meta, with a full rebrand of its core business. While the apps remain “as before,” the name of the company changes to Meta with being the official web site. Mark Zuckerberg’s vision of a “metaverse” led him to acquire the short, memorable, and versatile Greek prefix as […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. *is* the new Facebook!

Facebook has announced its new name: Meta. Operating from the domain, the company’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg noted: “From now on, we will be metaverse-first, not Facebook-first. That means that over time you won’t need a Facebook account to use our other services. As our new brand starts showing up in our products, I hope people […]

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