Socrates: Brazilian soccer idol dead – Cybersquatting of his long name unlikely

We read the sad news that former Brazilian soccer player Socrates died at the young age of 57 today. Socrates was considered to be one of the top midfield players in soccer (football) ever. In the 1982 World Cup that took place in Spain he was hailed as the graceful magician, with his elegant passes […]

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Hank Alvarez points out FLAWS in the Oversee Rebate Agreement – Special Interview

Nobody knows about the inside job, better than the inside job man himself – Hank Alvarez. In a short interview conducted at a local IHOP, very close to the Bido headquarters in Sub-Central Florida, Hank Alvarez showed up in typical Florida gear: shorts, sandals and a t-shirt with Sahar Sarid’s smiling face emblazoned across his […]

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