3 domain investing tools I would not use in the morning (or ever)

No matter my location or daily agenda, I always make sure I skip certain time-wasting domain investing tools in the morning. It’s a fact of life: The more time you spend on the computer, the faster time flies and soon enough it’s 5:00pm. Why waste the day away? Here are 3 domain investing tools I […]

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Domaining: An “unethical business” ?

Happy New Year! As a community of domain investors colloquially referred to as “domainers,” there are times when outsiders target us. It’s not just the lack of knowledge about the mechanics of domain investing; quite often, these accusations and epithets fly due to underlying malicious intent. Common references to “not adding value” due to holding […]

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Epik post claims company was sold, lawsuits were settled

A lengthy post from “Epik LLC” at NamePros yesterday claims that the company was successfully sold, all while 3 pending lawsuits were released as the plaintiffs were paid. It is not clear who is the person writing the post that begins with several points: JJE, TVT, and Adkisson were all paid today and released lawsuits. […]

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LNW.com: Telepathy sold yet another three letter .com domain name

Domain industry visionaries, Telepathy, Inc., have scored yet another apparent sale of a three-letter (LLL) .com domain. Recent WHOIS changes to the domain LNW.com indicate that the domain has been sold. Registered in 2000, the domain LNW.com was in the possession of Telepathy, Inc. since at least 2001. Founded by domain investor, Nat Cohen, Telepathy, […]

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How much toilet paper do you need? This #domain will calculate the #TP for you!

If you’re panicking about toilet paper, the quintessential method of wiping after going for number two, we feel for you. Anal hygiene, the act of cleaning up after defecating, has been a human practice for thousands of years. In ancient Greece, leaves, clothing, and fragments of ceramic pottery were used. The Romans used a communal […]

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Internet help desk : Former Marchex #domain as old as viral video by the same title

The early days of the Internet service providers were dominated by the quest for the perfect “help desk.” Customers calling in an ISP’s help line to get help for a myriad different issues related to the Internet, were the daily bread and butter of Internet support technicians’ routine. The domain InternetHelpDesk.com was registered in 2000 […]

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Wikipedia surpasses 5 million articles, but no ‘domainer’

Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia, has reached a major milestone. There are now more than 5,000,000 articles in Wikipedia, according to the latest statistics. Wikipedia, the 7th most visited destination on the world wide web, according to Alexa, is also actively pursuing cases of infringing trademarks. We found at least 34 UDRP cases filed by […]

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Father Domainicus: After Thanksgiving, time to Qetchup!

Greetings and salutations, my domainer sisters and brothers – this is Father Domanicus returning after a short hiatus from the festivities of Thanksgiving. Let me tell you, what a glorious day it is here in the sunny state of Florida, the headquarters of our Domain Church. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and […]

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Stephen Hawking at TRAFFIC: gTLDs will could wipe out the entire Domainer Cosmos!

Stephen Hawking, the man who proved that the universe created itself spontaneously and that there is no god, is a beacon of information and wisdom. In his later prediction, Stephen Hawking – who is also a domain investor of .Co.UK and .UK domain names – paints a grim picture about gTLDs and ICANN. “Like…the…god particle…there […]

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Merriam-Webster adds selfie, hashtag, tweep, unfriend to 2014 edition of dictionary

Thousands of catfish pouting selfies will finally receive recognition by their tweeps. The 2014 edition of the Merriam-Webster dictionary, finally adds the words selfie, hashtag, tweep, unfriend and others – for a total of 150 new words that will finally stop producing red underlines in your favorite editor.   Some of them, like fangirl, were […]

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Facebook adds “Domainer” to its list of gender identification options

Facebook is taking a forward approach with regards to gender identification in the US; if you’d rather be identified as “domainer“, you can now do so. Found among other gender options such as gay, bisexual, transgendered and android, the option to define oneself as “domainer” is a welcome addition to Facebook’s otherwise intrusive profiling. “I […]

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Elections: Which candidate loves Domainers more?

After the 2nd Presidential debate concluded yesterday, there is no clear indication about who loves domainers more: Mitt Romney, or Barack Obama. Both presidential candidates spoke about education, the economy and what makes small business tick. And that’s where things got a little blurry. While Mitt Romney’s vision is to keep taxes low across the […]

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