It’s early Christmas for SSC .com owner, that skirted a #UDRP at the #WIPO

Merry Christmas! Grinch of the year award goes to Service Spring Corp. of Maumee, Ohio, that attempted to take from its owners via the UDRP process. We are talking about a domain name registered in freaking 1989 – almost thirty years ago! Its Chinese registrant defended the domain, using the services of YesLaw, China. […]

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#SSC dot .com : Premium three letter #domain registered in 1989 hit with a #UDRP

The pending UDRP against the three letter .com domain,, is about to break all records due to the domain’s age: 29 years old. Registered in 1989, this LLL .com is currently in the possession of a Chinese registrant. The Complainant in this UDRP is an entity called “Service Spring Corp.” and as the case […]

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