Battle of the #gTLDs: .XYZ versus .TOP – which one spams?

Domain investing in the new gTLDs is an acquired taste, and the market doesn’t always respond favorably.

One of the earliest reactions was to the methodology used by dot .XYZ, adding free domains to matching .com owners’ accounts. That promotion was coordinated with Network Solutions, and Rick Schwartz had a few words to say. At the time, .XYZ had a little over 50,000 domain registrations.

In the summer of 2016, the .XYZ registry went all out, giving away penny domains en masse; that advertising stunt produced a lot of publicity, at a cost of seven figures. A year plus later, renewal rates for that promotion appeared to be minuscule, but Daniel Negari‘s vision appears to be unstoppable: his cryptocurrency injection involves Ethereum, a popular crypto, to boost numeric domain name registrations to the tune of 1.1 billion available names.

On the other hand, dot .TOPa Chinese new gTLD – did some aggressive campaigns in and out of China, pricing domains barely above cost. Still, that did not end well: its temporary leap-frogging of .XYZ ended quickly, and dot .TOP is heading towards more drops, according to ntldstats.

One thing that we need to point out is that dot .TOP systematically spams blogs with comments promoting .TOP domains. We warned them, and eventually blocked them from our social media completely. They still attempt to leave comments for .TOP domains often, and those comments end up in the spam folder.

The .XYZ registry avoided such methods of publicity, relying on their own resources and campaigns.

Also, .XYZ has pro-actively tackled domains that promote spamming activities, and responded well every time we sent them a notice of abusive behavior. In fact, .XYZ domains are not even listed on the Top Ten List of Abusive TLDs published by SpamHaus.

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3 Responses to “Battle of the #gTLDs: .XYZ versus .TOP – which one spams?”
  1. cameron says:

    Spammers are still using .com in 2017 on daily basis.

  2. Eric Lyon says:

    The easy answer = Both! However, i generally see way more .Top spam than .xyz spam when it comes to wide-scale blatant campaigns. :p 😉

  3. I receive more spam from ccTLDs.

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