Tema.com was auctioned off for a sizable six figures last week but DropCatch did not receive any payment within the designated period.
Auction winner, user “bbb888” on DropCatch apparently jerked everyone around, bidding up to $128,938 dollars all the way up from five figures.
That asshole move representative of a deadbeat domainer led DropCatch to re-auction the domain.
Clearly a frustrating ordeal for all legitimate domain auction bidders interested in Tema.com.
Namecatching was #2 with $128,888 dollars but now their initial bid of just $59 is listed on the new auction.
Unless some other dipshit bids up the auction with no intent to pay, we should see some healthy bids in the new Tema.com auction that ends in 2 days.
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#2 needs to have the option to buy if highest defaults. I keep saying it.
DropCatch; Copy Snap’s way; #2 option to buy, if winning defaults.
Thanks. We need more posts like this.
You guys are heroes.