Father Domainicus: Generation .XYZ

Father Domainicus blessing young domainers.

Father Domainicus blessing young domainers.

Greetings and salutations, my fellow brothers and sisters in domaining; this is Father Domainicus, man of the cloth and humble domain investor.

In this splendorous Sunday’s sermon, I shall focus on the impact that the young generation brings to domaining.

As you may have heard, Daniel Negari of the newly approved .XYZ gTLD is only 27 years of age.

This alone, is an achievement that many young men and women of today, should strive to match. I am not referring to the gTLD application obviously, for the $185,000 fee is too steep for many, representing their entire home mortgage.

What I am referring to, is the notion that you can achieve anything in life, including launching your own gTLD at an age when Jesus was still a humble carpenter in Galilee, outsourcing many a project to Canaanites.

The youth of today, generation XYZ if you may, are better educated, hungrier for success and more eager to reach out to other professionals across the globe, than their fathers.

Whoever mentioned that .com is our fathers’ TLD was probably right, in the sense that technology and social interaction accelerate the world’s progress. One cannot reach a speed of 200 miles per hour using a steam locomotive engine; although at 88 mph odder things have happened.

Young domain entrepreneurs such as Daniel Negari are often misunderstood or even made fun of, but men and women who work hard enough achieve much more than a lifetime on the sandy beaches; they move humanity forward.

My domaining children, to paraphrase the words of our Domain Lord, protector of the Domain Church:

“Keep a loving eye on the youth of today – for they will be financing your hospice bills tomorrow!”

Sending you lots of brotherly love and a eulogy for your week ahead, whether you are young or young at heart.

~Father Domainicus.



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