Energized after a long weekend snorkeling in the Caymans, uber-domainer Frank Schilling returned to the auction arena.
This time around, Frank – famous for owning the .com of every dish known to man – scored against the notorious “Namejet Reserve“, which he tore to pieces.
“I could not let NameJet Reserve win again, no sir”, said a triumphant Frank Schilling, chilling at his 450 sq.ft. veranda in the Caymans.
“I showed NameJet Reserve who’s the boss and got my trophy domain without much sweating. Just don’t challenge me, I turn into a fighting beast”.
Frank won TwinCities.net at Namejet, scoring this amazing geoDomain for only $1,800 – a complete and utter steal. NameJet Reserve bid up to $1,649.
As many mid-westerners know, Twin Cities is the pet name of beautiful Minneapolis – St. Paul in Minnesota. The .com is developed, so apparently Frank Schilling invested in it with reselling in mind.
Congratulations to Frank for this amazing catch!
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Wow that was a fantastic sale. Less than 2 grand for a geo of a major city? Even net is brandable. Good for Frank.
Kerran – Frank knows his stuff and bids on quality domains.
This geoDomain definitely sold at 1/10th of its value in my opinion.
Valuate.com shows also http://www.valuate.com/twincities.net
Too funny! I used to own that domain. I couldn’t find anyone willing to pay me that much though…
Jeff – wow, I can’t imagine why you’d drop it!
It’s not a dropped domain…
But did you sell it then?
Yes, but for much less than Frank bought it for.
Jeff nice to see you see the funny side and of course nice to have your hand regs validated even after u’ve lost them.