Has DNForum been sold?

Veterans of the domain community are familiar with the great days of DNForum, the oldest domain name forum.

After being sold several times for increasingly higher amounts of money, DNForum.com or DNF as it was once known, ended up in the lap of Epik.

The domain registrar and multi-discipline tech company founded by Rob Monster, acquired the domain from its previous registrant, a group of investors. There is much speculation about the price but it wasn’t remarkable according to some sources.

What’s the reason Epik, a domain registrar, bought DNForum?

The sale targeted not just a few active domain investors but a user base of Epik customers. In other words, Epik acquired DNForum.com to pitch its products, services, and overall marketing.

In recent months, Epik has been under fire for financial obligations to investors and users of its escrow services that have not been completed. A debt of $91,000 dollars towards one domain seller alone leaves many wonder how much money there is left in the Epik vault.

At some point, we speculated that DNForum would be the first to go, as an asset of Epik’s, perhaps at a price point that would make sense. Although there is no confirmation about an ongoing sale, something odd is going on with the domain’s settings at Epik.

On February 6th or 7th, the domain was unlocked.

Typically, that’s not a good idea unless one intends to transfer the domain away from Epik and to another registrar. As of today, however, the domain’s status is “OK” and no transfer is pending.

Perhaps this was just an accidental editing of the DNForum.com settings.

Update: The domain is now in pending transfer.

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One Response to “Has DNForum been sold?”
  1. DomainGang says:

    Update: The domain is now in pending transfer.

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