Is the most Valuable Chinese domain?

Made in China - the triple x version.

Numbers mean something else in China.

To fully understand the craving of Chinese domainers for numeric domains, one must possess a good grasp of the Chinese culture and language.

Knowing the names of the numbers (from 1 to 10) is not enough! Many numbers have several meanings but they are also used for the “sound” that they make when pronounced.

This is the ultimate guide to the “Chinese Digitalk” – a combination of numbers and their symbolism in online use.

It will help you better understand the crazy pricing behind numeric domain sales at Chinese domain auction sites, such as

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11 Responses to “Is the most Valuable Chinese domain?”
  1. BullS says:

    This is my specialty since I have Chinese Mongolian blood in me and my great great granddad was one of the builders of the Great Wall of China. Deep in my investigation, I found out that my great great granddad build that section of the milepost 69 on the GWC.

    The number 8 is the most demanded # for the Chinese as it sounds puek means lucky and prosperous whereas 4 -sounds “see” which means death-unlucky

    Chinese characters/verbs have ambiguous meanings , that why they go for numbers.

    Have a good Rabbit Year!!

    Aren’t you glad you know me?
    Son of Genghis Khan

  2. SL says:

    Wow, it just clicked for me…never really paid attention because I thought it was solely about lucky numbers to the Chinese. That list makes it very clear what’s going on, thanks.

  3. tricolorro says:

    Okay please solve this puzzle for me.

    it is firmly established that the number 4 is associated with bad luck
    because it sounds like the Chinese word for death.

    Therefore why does Chinese Domain Marketplace use such a bad luck number
    in their domain name?

    Is it because that was the only number available for reg fee since all others avoided it?

  4. BullS says:

    Because it attracts attention….ISN’T THAT WHAT everybody wants ??

    That what you want for your BS websites too- more attention more money$$$ websites are like people-they are attention W*&^%hores.

  5. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Tric – I think it’s because a lot of domains get “killed” at 😀 Just kidding!

    SL – Indeed, the Chinese culture is complex and it’s evident in the number 99013148875

    BullS – Agreed 100%

  6. BullS says:

    FYI– the license plates , 8 and 88, 888 or 8888 are all bought out by a Chinese tycoon and they are put on his fleet of roll Royce.

    They are like domains and are sold for millions!!

  7. SPK says:

    I can’t afford a lll domain let alone a chinese number .com!

  8. Jeff says:

    @tricolorro That’s a great question! Probably the ease of a 1 character domain name is the biggest draw. It could have been left behind as you suggested – when I lived in China, whenever I went apartment hunting, the agents would always show me apartments with a number 4 in them, or on the fourth floor…because no one else wanted to touch them.

    For more insights about Chinese Digitalk, you might enjoy…Chinese Digitalk – How to speak with numbers in Chinese

  9. says:

    Chinese can mean so many things…

    We picked up – These dont have an exact meaning but 8 & 2 are very lucky in the chinese culture and for example 4 is very unlucky meaning “Death”

  10. says:

    Which is of course very strange when is the largest chinese platform for buying and selling domains…

  11. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Sebastian – True but in this case “4” substitutes “for” 😉

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