An epic #domain: Someone registered Rob.Monster 👾

Rob Monster is the founder and CEO of Epik, the domain services company that has recently found itself in the eye of a major data breach storm. Rob Monster’s last name is Dutch for “specimen” or “sample.” This is the most common meaning in Dutch and its Germanic root, “muster,” all while it means something […]

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Dot #Monster anomaly : Current #domain registrations spiked by promos?

When gauging the natural growth of a new gTLD, we have to take into account two parameters: the virality of the TLD, and its rate of growth over time. We took a look at dot .Monster, a recently introduced new gTLD. Between the March launch and June, the rate of growth for .Monster appears to […]

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#Domain Memes: Is Monster.Horse or Horse.Monster better?

Our Domain Memes open series are about fun snapshots of events related to the domain industry. Some of these events are funny, others are definitely serious. In today’s world, domain investors and end-users alike, are exposed to domain names in a large number of new extensions, also known as gTLDs. The latest new gTLD is […]

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Negari, Schwartz battle it out about dot .Monster and #gTLDs

Party like it’s 2014, when dot .XYZ rolled out its free domain giveaway. XYZ CEO, Daniel Negari, spoke fondly of his latest new gTLD, dot .Monster, and the future of brands alongside dot .COM. Rick Schwartz, the Domain King, openly mocked dot .Monster as quite possibly the worst gTLD ever, beating even dot .Horse. The […]

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#Epik move : Rob Monster secures namesake #domain from Daniel Negari!

It’s a move of Epik proportions, as Rob Monster, founder and CEO of the company, closed yet another important b2b deal last week. The super active domain investor and entrepreneur came to an agreement with .XYZ founder and CEO, Daniel Negari. Negari’s company acquired the entire gTLD, dot .Monster, recently; can you guess which domain […]

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