#Domain Boot.com sold for $70,000 dollars via #Sedo

The premium, aged domain Boot.com has sold on Sedo, for $70,000 dollars. The deal closed on Sedo, where it was brokered by Frank Tillmanns, who shared the news on social media: “BOOT.COM sold for $70,000 USD at Sedo.com!! Congratulations to enduser Buyer and Seller!” Registered in 1995, the domain Boot.com was used in the past […]

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#Sedo : The #domain Files.com has been sold for $750,000 dollars

Sedo has announced the brokered sale of the premium domain, Files.com, for $750,000 dollars. Registered in 1998, Files.com was last sold for $725,000 dollars in 2010, again via Sedo. Source: Namebio. Frank Tillmanns, senior broker at Sedo, announced the news moments ago: “FILES.COM sold for $750,000 USD!! Congratulations to Buyer and Seller and a big […]

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#Domain Edit dot .com was sold for $140,000 dollars by #Sedo broker

Sedo broker, Frank Tillmanns announced the sale of the premium, aged domain Edit.com for $140,000 dollars earlier today. The sales price surpassed an $120,000 dollar bid it had received during the latest GreatDomains auction. Along with that sale, Tillmanns announced the sale of the three letter .com domain, KUL.com for 35,000 EUR (almost $43,000 dollars.) […]

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#Sedo brokers sale of DAX dot .com for half a million dollars

Sedo brokers have achieved a major LLL .com sale: The domain DAX.com just changed hands in a transaction valued at $500,000 dollars. The sale was achieved by Sedo brokers Frank Tillmanns and Hao Shen. At this point, we’d assume that the buyer is based in China. Said Tillmanns over social media: “Just sold DAX.COM together […]

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#Sedo sold CAN.com for $155,000 dollars in brokered deal

Sedo sold CAN.com, a domain that we predicted that would sell for six figures, for $155,000 dollars. The sale was facilitated by Frank Tillmanns, International Senior Sales & Domain Brokerage Consultant at Sedo. In a post over social media, Frank Tillmanns announced the sale of CAN.com earlier today: “Just sold CAN.COM for $155,000! Congrats to […]

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