Having a good Night.com: Domain brokered to a new owner by Kate Buckley

Domain broker Kate Buckley, founder of Buckley Media, announced the successful sale of the aged domain, Night.com, via her brokerage. The sale was shared on Twitter yesterday, so we have to assume that it’s a done deal: Thrilled to announce we have brokered the sale of Night(.)com. Congratulations to buyer and seller! — Kate Buckley […]

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Believe.com has been sold for $200,000 dollars!

Kate Buckley of Buckley Media Group shared the news of her successful brokerage of Believe.com. The domain was sold to the new owners for $200,000 dollars. Said Kate on Twitter: Delighted to announce I’ve brokered the sale of Believe.com for $200,000. Congratulations to buyer and seller! It’s a great keyword registered in 1995, and we […]

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HELOC.com : Home equity line of credit #domain sold to Freedom Mortgage

The finances of real estate economy are booming, with hundreds of billions of dollars in rotation. Low interest rates combined with a good economy, have led to an increase in mortgage refinancing and getting a home equity line of credit (HELOC.) While the two differ, the end result is the same: consumers are using the […]

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I Don’t Do Bullies .com – Long tail #domain registered by Buckley Media

Domain broker Kate Buckley was unjustly attacked by a NamePros member, who adamantly questioned the legitimacy of her brokered domain sales. The ensuing discussion led to an open letter response from Kate Buckley, who referred to the unproven allegations as “bullying.” Such acts of bravado from “behind the keyboard” are not new, but in this […]

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Gerund #domains : List of public sales ending in “ING” for $100,000 dollars and up

Domain broker, Kate Buckley, announced the sale of two gerund domains, sleeping.com and snoring.com, for over $500,000 dollars each. Such gerund domains, keywords that end in “ing,” can be very profitable, and such sales that have been made public reach seven figures. Using historical data from NameBio, we’ve compiled the full list of such domains: […]

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Providers.com : Twenty year old #domain sold for $100,000 dollars

The ultra-generic domain, Providers.com, has been sold for six figures. According to a statement made by independent domain broker, Kate Buckley, Providers.com was sold for $100,000 dollars. Registered in 1998, Providers.com had been listed for sale on Sedo as well. The term “provider” is heavily associated with health care, and health care providers, primarily in […]

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Buckley Media Group brokers two letter #domain QO.com

Buckley Media Group, the domain brokerage business of Kate Buckley, has listed QO.com on its exclusive domain inventory. Registered in 1996, the premium two letter domain is part of an elite group of only 676 combinations. The letter ‘Q’ is definitely appreciated by the Chinese. Kate Buckley announced the availability of QO.com yesterday: “QO.com now […]

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