NamesCon 2016 sets new attendance record with 900 registrations!

NamesCon, the biggest domain conference of 2016, is setting new attendance records for the 2016 event. Taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada, between January 10 and 13, NamesCon 2016 has already achieved – almost – 900 registrations. Richard Lau, co-founder of NamesCon, stated: “Wow — almost 900 people registered for NamesCon. And to think 3 […]

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Black Friday is over, so what did domainers buy?

With Black Friday finally behind us, we can now focus on the next big spending day, Cyber Monday. But let’s not do that yet. Black Friday sales sent  many domain investors to the stores, physically shopping for great deals that only arrive once a year. Some had to fist fight, push and shove potential suitors […]

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Hotels, Las Vegas and NamesCon 2016

NamesCon 2016 is looming in the domain horizon; the biggest, most important domain conference of 2016 will attract domain investors and other professionals from around the world. With that in mind, if you have registered for NamesCon but haven’t booked your hotel room yet, don’t waste a single minute. More than 1,000 attendees are expected […]

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NamesCon : Still at $3,999 per ten tickets

NamesCon is less than 80 days away, and while the biggest domain conference of 2016 is nearing its final stretch, we have some important info to share. With the festivities of Halloween upon us, Richard Lau and his team want you to know that you can still get tickets at the lowest price: $399 dollars. […]

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NamesCon : Richard Lau booking Mars for the 2016 domain conference!

NamesCon founder, Richard Lau, has big plans for the 2016 domain conference, scheduled for January 10-13, 2016. Life on Mars is thriving, thanks to recent discoveries by NASA. “NamesCon 2016 is so big, we’re booking Mars for the event! Water Night won’t be an issue, as ample fresh water flows on Mars, and if you […]

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NamesCon warns domainers about Tropicana Hotel booking scam!

NamesCon has changed the way domain conferences are organized and presented, since 2014. The biggest domain conference in terms of attendance and vendor participation hosts its annual show in Las Vegas, and the next big event is between January 10-13, 2016. With the ongoing success of NamesCon, it comes as no surprise that there is […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. : Domain sold to Al Jazeera network for a nice chunk of money

Richard Lau launched his own quick profile maker two years ago, on the web site Why one minute .com? Because it’d literally take one minute to create an account and launch your free profile. 😀 It seems that was sold to Qatar Media Corporation, the monolith that owns the Al Jazeera TV station […]

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NamesCon : New Vancouver office photos from Richard Lau’s birthday

On Tuesday, NamesCon announced that they’ve opened its new office in the heart of Yaletown, in Vancouver, Canada; the location is down the block from Kevin Ham’s Reinvent office. Richard Lau, co-founder of NamesCon, had his birthday gathering yesterday, christening the new offices while accompanied by a few good friends. Here are a few pictures […]

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NamesCon opens new offices in Vancouver; Jodi Chamberlain departs

It’s Richard Lau‘s birthday today, and the NamesCon co-founder sent out an announcement that contains lots of important news about the future of the biggest domain conference. The event is now expanding by adding offices in Vancouver, Canada, while event manager Jodi Chamberlain leaves the company to focus entirely on her own event management business, […]

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NamesCon 2016 : Two for one ticket sale!

Richard Lau, founder of NamesCon, was checking out some strange rocks in the Nevada desert, outside Las Vegas. Suddenly, it hit him. No, not the rock – the idea for a NamesCon 2016 special price. Until the end of March, you can get two tickets for the price of one. That’s a lot of savings. […]

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NamesCon 2016 : You have until Monday to save $800 dollars

On Monday at 1PM Pacific, the price of tickets for NamesCon 2016 – the quintessential domain conference of the year – is going to $399. The price hike won’t stop there; as time passes by, it will increase to $999 at the door! Nobody wants to pay more, right? Not only you’ll save up to […]

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NamePros video from NamesCon 2015 does not include Richard Lau!

A Very Important Person that was instrumental for putting NamesCon 2015 together, is missing from a NamePros video making the rounds. Shocked by the non inclusion of founder Richard Lau in the 4 and 1/2 minute, condensed version of the NamesCon experience, we decided to protest this. So we created an All Richard Lau NamesCon […]

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