A Remarkable Story – The Boy that Registers Domains without Hands!

I was killing time on Youtube the other night and saw a video that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up like battlefield barbed wire.

It was a mocumentary about a domainer boy (Bubba Sandalwood) who taught himself to use bat waves to register domains from registrars around the world.

Bubba Sandalwood has no hands, but has miraculously managed to attain some truly fascinating achievements, such as playing fussball with his feet, riding a pogostick with his mouth and even registering domain names without typing – all with the power of bat wave high frequency emission.

In the future, we will have a full story on this remarkable domainer, Bubba Sandalwood, including a link to the video that has somehow vanished from Youtube.

Source: DNXpert.com

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6 Responses to “A Remarkable Story – The Boy that Registers Domains without Hands!”
  1. John says:

    Not a topic I’d choose to make fun of, but to each his own.


  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Ah John, you seem to have missed the point then. We’re simply poking fun at the relevancy of your post as related to domaining. 😀 I recall there was a time when Francois actively removed non-domain related posts from the general feed. At any rate, we appreciate your sensitivity on the subject.

  3. Soundly Reasoned says:


    I thought this story was amazing and inspirational. Is it about domains? No. You making fun of this kid is pretty damn pathetic.

  4. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Soundly Reasoned – maybe you need to grow a sense of humor and refrain from hitting the “Submit” button without reading the “About Us” page first? The joke is on Dnxpert’s post of a non-domaining related subject, not on the subject itself.

  5. Soundly Reasoned says:

    “Any resemblance to real people or events is fictitious and purely coincidental.” Yeah right

    I know what your site is about. Some of it is funny. Most of it is not. But this one today is pure crap.

    You get the Asshat for today.

  6. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    And you get coal for Christmas! 😀 Thanks for displaying your lack of comprehending what I just explained: the joke is on Dnxpert’s post and its lack of relevancy to domaining as it appeared on the Domaining.com RSS feed. Nobody is forcing you to read DomainGang.