– the registrar sweetheart among domainers – was acquired by domain industry giant Demand Media, and now the “fun” begins.
Gone are the parties, beer Fridays and other such silly perks that formulated the formerly independent registar’s corporate culture.
“So folks, what’s happening. We are here to help you understand how to be productive,” said Demand Media executive, Bill Lumbergh.
“At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself – is this good for the company?” said Lumbergh with emphasis, speaking at the first corporate meeting after the merger.
While many at are not worried about the change in corporate guard, others are definitely upset.
“I used to be able to tweet all day while performing my duties as a tier 2 account manager, now I doubt they’ll let us take more than two bathroom breaks daily!” said Mark. S. “Forget about beer Fridays and ‘bring your rooster to work’ special events. This is going to suck!” exclaimed Mark.
With unemployment numbers in the double digits, most employees will keep a positive outlook for the fact that they still have a job; there are many unemployed domain specialists out there that – Lumbergh or no Lumbergh – would love to take their spot in the company.
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I heard that everyone had to start wearing at least 20 pieces of flair!!!!!
Sean – No more custom-engraved Swingline staplers, I hear.
I can see it changing to become another enom and not.the it has been. That’s my prediction but I keep hope it will stay the same.