Chinese domain market report : Video streaming becomes restricted in China

China’s tech companies with streaming video platforms, such as Baidu, Sina, Youku and Sohu, have agreed to the Chinese government’s demands to follow new restrictive guidelines. Video streaming would require any users to register their real identities with the company before a video stream can be initiated. Also, hired streamers can and will be black-listed, […]

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EFF : “XYZ .com complicit” in Chinese government censorship

In an article today, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is blasting the XYZ Registry and its decision to propose to ICANN an automatic domain censoring process, from a Chinese government blacklist. The article states: “Even so, as ineffective as it may be,’s complicity in advancing the Chinese government’s censorship of the Internet remains profoundly […]

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Chinese government: Punished web sites for violence, gambling and lewd material include Qihoo

The Chinese government is cracking down on gaming and other portal web sites in China, including some operated by online giants Qihoo, Tencent and Baidu. Citing the promotion of excessive violence, gambling, and “lewd” content, the platforms were fined and ordered to delete the offending mobile games and apps. China’s Mininstry of Culture, announced yesterday […]

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