Dr. Chanda failed to get the domain DrChanda.com and here’s why

When you file a UDRP against a domain, you’d better present facts and figures. The latter includes dates, for example when was your trademark registered and when was the registration of the domain you’re pursuing. Apparently, in the UDRP filed by Dr. Chanda Macias against the domain DrChanda.com, the date of the trademark’s registration was […]

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Hegts.com: Waste of time and money in this UDRP filing

BHE GT&S filed a UDRP to get the domain name Hegts.com from its registrant. BHE GT&S is a standalone subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy and is involved in the interstate transmission and storage of natural gas. Meanwhile, the Respondent has operated a small consulting business in Vancouver, Canada since April 2005. Respondent registered the name […]

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Vanderhall Motor Works vs. Pim van der Hall—Who won the UDRP?

A UDRP involving the domain name Vanderhall.com brought the Complainant, Vanderhall Motor Works, against the domain’s Dutch Respondent, Pim van der Hall. The domain was registered in 2000 by the Respondent, exactly because it’s a match to his last name. In this UDRP, Mr. van der Hall did not respond but the Forum (NAF) panelist […]

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Domains & UDRP: Lawyers should use the tools of the trade

Professionals of every trade should utilize the best tools to deliver services to clients. In the case of a law firm, using information databases such as LexisNexis is a given, as they are an indispensable tool that does require paid subscriptions. Not every law firm is willing to fork out money for such tools, apparently. […]

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Painless.com UDRP: Respondent delivers pain with this aged, generic domain name

The domain Painless.com was registered in 1996, at the dawn of the commercial internet. Along came Benco Dental Supply Co., a medical supply company, with a registered mark for PAINLESS from 1997; they sought to get the domain via the UDRP process 27 years later. They operate painless.benco.com to demonstrate use of the PAINLESS mark. […]

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PaulLoebach.com UDRP exposed serial case loser

If you’ve lost 46 out of 47 UDRP cases, odds are that you will lose the 48th. In the case of the domain PaulLoebach.com, the Respondent was exposed as a serial registrant of domains involving trademarks or other established rights. The UDRP was filed by ESQwire.com on behalf of their client, Paul Loebach. As a […]

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Fiverr.ai: Respondent’s claims didn’t sway experienced UDRP panelist

Some people will invent all types of back stories regarding the meaning of domains, as in the case of Fiverr.ai that ended up in a UDRP. The FIVERR mark has been registered since 2011, citing first use in 2010. Meanwhile, the domain was registered in 2020. In the ensuing UDRP, the Respondent claimed that the […]

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EmpowerMedia.com UDRP ends with Reverse Domain Name Hijacking decision

Empower Media Partners LLC filed a UDRP to usurp the domain EmpowerMedia.com from its registrant. The Respondent in this case is a Canadian citizen that incorporated as Empower 360 Inc. in 2007; it acquired the disputed domain in 2010. Meanwhile, the Complainant registered the mark EMPOWER in 2018 with the USPTO. The three member panel […]

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The domain EchoPayments.com wasn’t lost via a UDRP—Here’s why

The domain name EchoPayments.com was challenged via the UDRP process at the Forum (NAF.) ECHO Health, Inc. attempted to get the domain based on their registration of the mark ECHO in 2014. There was one problem with the strategy of the Complainant: The domain was registered in 2011. Despite the Respondent’s lack of a response, […]

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BillionaireBay.com UDRP was lost by eBay

Ebay filed a UDRP to get the domain BillionaireBay.com from a French company that holds a trademark in France for BILLIONAIREBAY but this is where it gets complicated. The mark’s application in France was opposed at the time by eBay, leading to the mark’s rejection for auctions and marketplace services, however the BILLIONAIREBAY trademark proceeded […]

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Winner of LeonardoDiCaprio.org auction lost domain via the UDRP process

From the “what were you thinking” department comes the UDRP of the domain LeonardodiCaprio.org. Matching the name of popular mega-star, Leonardo DiCaprio, this domain was in the possession of the Hollywood actor until August 2022 but it wasn’t renewed. Instead of dropping, the domain name ended up in a NameJet auction and someone from Indonesia […]

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ImpossibleKick.com UDRP failed due to Complainant’s rushed filing

When you claim your mark has become distinctive but it hasn’t, filing a rushed UDRP won’t get you the domain name. Impossible Kicks Holding Company, Inc. filed a UDRP against the registrant of the domain name ImpossibleKick.com. The Respondent did not respond, but the sole panelist at the Forum (NAF) pointed out that the Complainant’s […]

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