Rick Latona’s big victory: ChatGPT.com arrangement despite UDRP

Domain investor and entrepreneur, Rick Latona, scored a big victory with the apparent sale of ChatGPT.com. The arrangement took place after long negotiations that followed the UDRP filed against the domain name in March. The UDRP was subsequently withdrawn after the two parties came to an agreement. Rick Latona noted that his company accepted a […]

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OpenAI is sending “Cease & Desist” letters to providers of #ChatGPT services

It was long expected; OpenAI, operators of the ground-breaking AI platform ChatGPT, is sending Cease & Desist letters to operators of services using domains with the “GPT” acronym. As reported by the owner of SiteGPT.ai, a company called Brandshield sent the email that reads as follows: OpenAl brand guideline outreach – https://sitegpt.ai openai <openai@brandshield.com> to […]

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Better drop your #ChatGPT domains; it’s a trademark

Domain investors eager to capitalize on the popularity of ChatGPT, the AI-powered chatbot by OpenAI, take notice: you might be infringing on the company’s trademark. Just two months after rolling out a public beta of ChatGPT, the service surpassed 100 million users, faster than any other service in recent memory. That makes ChatGPT a valuable […]

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