Original registrant sold it for $85,000 dollars to a domain investor

Despite its eventual legal woes, was hand-registered in late 2022 for $9.63 dollars, then flipped for a whopping $85,000 dollars. The amazing story of the domain matching one of the dominant brands in 2023, ChatGPT, began when an observant guy, Mike Santiago, watched a YouTube video about emerging technologies. One of the buzzwords in […]

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True owner of is a Malaysian crypto sleuth, according to research

The true and current owner of the domain is a Malaysian tech and crypto sleuth, according to research performed by investor George Kirikos. Armed with targeted Google searches related to the Cloudflare DNS pair used by, Kirikos concluded with “99% certainty” that Arsyan Ismail of Malaysia is in control of the domain […]

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Adobe Photoshop “generative fill” leads to immediate domain registration

Generative art is created using computer algorithms, with the artist or designer setting the rules or parameters that dictate the behavior of the algorithm. With the use of modern technology, computer-generated art closely follows instructions (“prompts”) and outputs visual structures following very close the artist’s imagination. Today, Adobe rolled out the latest beta of its […]

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Domain rebranding: Buyer of flipped it for a nice profit

At the beginning of the year, the buyer of the domain name acquired it at an auction of expired .AI domains for the sum of $610 dollars. That sales amount seems to be a great bargain, for a popular, generic ccTLD that matches the “PDF” keyword. Indeed, the person who acquired just 5 […]

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OpenAI is sending “Cease & Desist” letters to providers of #ChatGPT services

It was long expected; OpenAI, operators of the ground-breaking AI platform ChatGPT, is sending Cease & Desist letters to operators of services using domains with the “GPT” acronym. As reported by the owner of, a company called Brandshield sent the email that reads as follows: OpenAl brand guideline outreach – openai <> to […]

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List of GPT and AI #domains sold at Sedo in recent weeks

Sedo released two weeks’ worth of sales data yesterday. The two reports involve the week that ended on April 11, and the week that ended on April 18. From these lists, we present the domain sales that involve an exciting trend currently, that of GPT and AI keywords or domains. Although GPT is a term […]

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GoDaddy shares group of 35 business-related AI prompts

GoDaddy created a group of business-related AI prompts, totaling 35 at this time, that can be used with tools such as ChatGPT and Bard. The collection of prompts are touted as a “Small Business Generative AI Prompt Library” and can be found via the domain name It’s great they didn’t go for the domain […]

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What are the odds that OpenAI will get the domain

OpenAI, inventors of the ChatGPT model and platform, have filed a UDRP to get the matching .com domain, at the WIPO. The company failed miserably to secure the domain that was available for just a few days after the ChatGPT beta opened to the public. A company called Site Matrix LLC registered the domain […]

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The Domain King’s GPT domain and other registrations

The Domain King, Rick Schwartz, has been busy educating his closed circle of Twitter followers. One of the most recent, important quotes by Rick reads as follows: “I Donโ€™t buy domains to sell. I buy domains to hold. To collect. To admire. To enjoy. To savor. To learn about. To use.” Think for a second […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. Amazon hints of cloud based AI for retired web site was acquired by Amazon many years ago; the web ranking tool provided metrics about active web sites and their traffic. The web site shared visualized data obtained from millions of installations of the free Alexa browser plugin; while not everyone in the world was using it, the Alexa ranking was a globally-acceptable metric to […]

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AI-driven: WTF Does This Company Do?

AI-driven content will dominate every industry in the years to come. With ChatGPT only the beginning, artificial intelligence as the brains of content generation will lay down new pathways to creativity. A fine example is a project called “WTF Does This Company Do” created by Indian programmer, Krish, as an intelligent summarizer of the context […]

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OpenAI were the buyers of the ultra premium domain

The ultra-premium domain was sold two years ago, at a time when the asking price was $11 million dollars. sat unresolving the whole time but as of February 13th it forwards to OpenAI and its ChatGPT project. Perhaps OpenAI, a company formed in 2015 to establish artificial intelligence technologies, finally decided to take […]

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