AI-related domain name was sold for five figures

The domain name was recently sold on the platform, according to a tip we received. Its Chinese registrant netted $20,400 dollars while the sale commanded a total of $24,000 dollars, with $3,600 of it being fees. That’s more money than what OpenAI paid for the domain that will be running its AI-powering […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. Original registrant sold it for $85,000 dollars to a domain investor

Despite its eventual legal woes, was hand-registered in late 2022 for $9.63 dollars, then flipped for a whopping $85,000 dollars. The amazing story of the domain matching one of the dominant brands in 2023, ChatGPT, began when an observant guy, Mike Santiago, watched a YouTube video about emerging technologies. One of the buzzwords in […]

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Sora AI sends domain investors to new pastures!

OpenAI introduced Sora, an AI engine that creates videos of up to one minute from plain text descriptions. While not perfect, these Sora videos far surpass anything seen before from automated systems that generate videos from either images or text. The quality of the video flow is remarkably high, prompting OpenAI to promise embedding metadata […]

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OpenAI fails to register GPT as a trademark with the USPTO

OpenAI, operators of the ChatGPT platform, have received bad news: Their application to register GPT as a trademark with the USPTO has been declined. This final refusal to register GPT was made on the following basis: Trademark Act Section 2(e)(1)—Merely Descriptive and Specimen Not Acceptable for Showing Use of the Mark in Commerce as to […]

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OpenAI is sending “Cease & Desist” letters to providers of #ChatGPT services

It was long expected; OpenAI, operators of the ground-breaking AI platform ChatGPT, is sending Cease & Desist letters to operators of services using domains with the “GPT” acronym. As reported by the owner of, a company called Brandshield sent the email that reads as follows: OpenAl brand guideline outreach – openai <> to […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. OpenAI files UDRP; more to follow?

OpenAI, creators of the ChatGPT phenomenon, has filed a UDRP against the domain name As noted by Elliot of DomainInvesting, the domain is listed in a fresh UDRP filed at the WIPO. was registered last December, and we pointed out at the time that it was being monetized with PPC ads. In February, […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. founder comments on the brokerage

Jeff Gabriel, co-founder of, has achieved an impressive record in domain sales: Almost half a billion ($500 million) dollars’ worth of brokered deals. As a senior domain broker, Jeff Gabriel was involved personally in the sale of and while the sales amount is under NDA, it’s rumored to be worth eight figures USD. […]

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OpenAI were the buyers of the ultra premium domain

The ultra-premium domain was sold two years ago, at a time when the asking price was $11 million dollars. sat unresolving the whole time but as of February 13th it forwards to OpenAI and its ChatGPT project. Perhaps OpenAI, a company formed in 2015 to establish artificial intelligence technologies, finally decided to take […]

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Better drop your #ChatGPT domains; it’s a trademark

Domain investors eager to capitalize on the popularity of ChatGPT, the AI-powered chatbot by OpenAI, take notice: you might be infringing on the company’s trademark. Just two months after rolling out a public beta of ChatGPT, the service surpassed 100 million users, faster than any other service in recent memory. That makes ChatGPT a valuable […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. Crazy PPC monetization as the matching AI .com domain

If you haven’t heard of ChatGPT, here’s a synopsis: It’s an AI-driven chatbot able to engage in meaningful, conversational exchanges. It can also create content that reads remarkably human-like. Rising in popularity, the ChatGPT service is currently free and available via The operating company, OpenAI, provides the entertaining service free of charge, for now, […]

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