OlympicsHasFallen.com UDRP: Trademarks, deepfakes, and a fake Netflix documentary

The registrant of the domain name OlympicsHasFallen.com was hit with a UDRP, filed by the International Olympic Committee. The Complainant is notoriously protective of their marks and in this case the underlying details are rather interesting. A film named “Olympus Has Fallen” is a political thriller that was shot a decade ago. In the case […]

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Chinese squatters get “Brisbane 2032” Olympics #domains

Brisbane 2032 – it’s the home of the XXXV Olympiad. With the Tokyo Olympics ante portas, the announcement about Brisbane, Australia, was made today. Brisbane was first announced as the preferred bid on 24 February 2021, gaining the formal approval of the IOC Executive Board. Australia has hosted the Summer Olympic games twice before: in […]

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Rule40.com and the Olympics : Gloves are off

The Olympics in Rio are over, and for many around the world, that’s a relief. Sponsors and brand advertisers of athletes that aren’t certified by the International Olympic Committee, view the Olympics with mixed feelings. After all, the IOC is in full control of who can post images bearing its long-standing trademarks, or even reference […]

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Olympic domains : Protection of the City+Year word mark

A recent lawsuit filed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) sought to secure rights to domains consisting of “City+Year” word marks. Although the practice targeted specific candidate cities owned by a self-professed investor in geo-domains, one might be walking on thin ice when registering any such “City+Year” combinations. In a recent article about the intellectual […]

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Who owns SexOlympics.com ?

The domain name SexOlympics.com is covered in a shroud of mystery. It has been pointed to adult content, or parked at adult parking pages for more than a decade, as Archive.org shows. Originally registered in 2000, SexOlympics.com appears to be owned by the International Olympic Committee, according to Domaintools: International Olympic Committe chateau de vidy […]

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