Chinese domain market report : Qihoo 360 seeks to protect its “360” trademark

Can you trademark a number in China? Apparently so, especially when it’s as famous as the one used in, the $17 million dollar domain belonging to Chinese giant company Qihoo. Qihoo 360, by far China’s largest security software provider, filed the lawsuit in February and claimed that an Internet financial company named 360 Daidai […]

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Qihoo shocker: Buyer of allegedly gave ‘porno’ incentives to performing employees

Qihoo, the Chinese corporation that reportedly bought the domain for $17 million dollars, is making the news again. A report about rewards to performing employees includes a variety of perks, among which is a night with Julia Kyoka, a popular Japanese porn star. [NSFW link] The alleged leak of document bonuses was made on […]

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Chinese government: Punished web sites for violence, gambling and lewd material include Qihoo

The Chinese government is cracking down on gaming and other portal web sites in China, including some operated by online giants Qihoo, Tencent and Baidu. Citing the promotion of excessive violence, gambling, and “lewd” content, the platforms were fined and ordered to delete the offending mobile games and apps. China’s Mininstry of Culture, announced yesterday […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. update: Record-breaking domain sale was for $17 Million dollars has just lost its #1 position as the most expensive domain ever sold; various sources are confirming that went to Qihoo for a staggering $17,000,000 dollars. Hardly unexpected as the company has a $7 billion market capitalization, and the seller – Vodafone – is bigger by a factor of 16. The news was […]

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Did sell for $16,000,000 dollars?

Speculations are running wild about the sale of, a perfect, round number; the domain was sold by telecom giant Vodafone to Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd in China. The buyer, ‘upgraded’ their brand from 360.CN to the globally recognized dot .com equivalent. George Hong, of – a premium domain investor and brokerage firm […]

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