Rewind to 1938: Hitler was TIME Magazine’s person of the year

Time Magazine has been giving away “person of the year” awards since 1927. Other notable persons of the year include: Adolf Hitler – 1938 Joseph Stalin – 1939, 1942 Ayatollah Khomeini – 1979 George W. Bush – 2000 Mark Zuckerberg – 2010 One can tell that this is no special club of people of any […]

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Accident or censorship? Spicy title gets blocked at Namebee

While we consciously try to use post titles that are short, effective and PG-13 there are times that certain words have to be used. 😉 Hence the post about Rick Schwartz’s adult domains from earlier today; the title contained the word “porno“. The post does not appear in the RSS feed timeline of Namebee – […]

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Frank Schilling hits jackpot with HIV cure

An HIV-positive man who underwent a stem cell transplant in Berlin has been cured as a result of the procedure. A hematology report published last week and was further announced in the media today, strongly suggests that the first HIV cure of a patient has been achieved. This is remarkable, breakthrough news. There are currently […]

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Rick Schwartz and the next 10 years of Porno

Despite record low temperatures in South Florida yesterday – West Palm Beach recorded a low of 32 degrees F – the heat is on at the turf of domain king, Rick Schwartz. The disclosure at Rick’s blog of a private communication that turned ugly, generated a lot of friction in the form of arguments and […]

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WikiLeaks: Domain name matters if you want to be taken seriously

We had an interesting conversation earlier today with New York domain investor and real estate broker, Nick Spanos. Nick supports freedom of speech in the Libertarian sense, just like politician Ron Paul does; the latter recently defended the right of WikiLeaks to release the classified information. Nick’s position is related to the domain name itself. […]

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Having completed our first transaction with – the domain auction platform of French domain entrepreneur, Francois Carrillo – it is time for a quick review. Francois is known for the introduction of several niche platforms for domains; however, accepts domains without any specific classification. With more than 5,000 domains listed currently, requires […]

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Please don’t go! Best Registrar message upon domain transfer out

Let’s face it, the domain registrar business operates on a very thin profit margin. When it comes down to the original three TLDs e.g. .com/.net/.org pricing varies very little between ICANN accredited registrars. Naturally, no registrar wants to lose a customer but there are some valid reasons to transfer a domain out to another registrar […]

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It’s a small world: Madoff used Dropped Domain for business venture

Mark Madoff, son of convicted pyramid scheme operator Bernie Madoff was found dead in his New York City apartment, having committed suicide by hanging himself. Despite the involvement of Mark Madoff in his father’s business that resulted in the loss of $65 billion in investor funds, it’s sad seeing another human being taking his life. […]

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Porn, browser history tracking and post title fiasco

Earlier today, domain news publication published an article by Adam Strong, titled “ Gets Outed In Browser History Sniffing Fiasco“. Our first note: Camel Casing in titles – capitalizing the first letter of every word – is old school and very outdated. Emphasis should be achieved by constructing better titles instead. 😉 In the […]

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Waaaaaaaaah! My comment was not published!

So your comment didn’t make it on ? With more than 3000 user comments in the database we sometimes have to not allow certain remarks. If, for example, you want to cuss on Lucius for getting on your nerves despite being a great guy, use your real email address. If you want to criticize […]

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Sedo and eNom Battle it out in the PR Room

Exactly one year ago, Sedo announced the complete guide to the new navigational interface – something that hundreds of thousands of domainers embraced with relief. The success of Sedo’s guide was achieved primarily by the hard efforts of Helga-Alice von Susteren – the ever-smiling greeting Sedo representative at the HQ. Meanwhile, domain registrar eNom […]

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Golden Corral launches ‘All You Can Eat’ Web Development

Those familiar with the finger licking good buffet style eats at the Golden Corral will now get to enjoy its new development service launching January 2011 dubbed Site Buffet™. Domain investors now get a chance to order graphic design and web development for the low price of $19.99 per site and order as many changes, […]

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