LordeEdge.com: Elon Musk’s new moniker just got registered as a #domain

Tesla founder, Elon Musk, pulled a fast one on the company’s investors on Saturday, by stating he’d abide by the results of a Twitter poll: Should he sell 10% of his Tesla stock to pay taxes? Musk’s antics involve Tesla stock worth about $21 billion dollars; with 57.9% of the more than 3.5 million votes […]

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Is Technoking.com the next big #domain sale?

Can’t stop Elon Musk from pulling the Tesla culture and fan base forward; the founder and CEO has a new title: Technoking of Tesla. Musk’s new title, along with chief financial officer Zach Kirkhorn’s new position as “Master of Coin” elicits the reference to two domains, Technoking.com and Coinmaster.com. The domain Technoking.com was registered in […]

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Is Starbase.com the next big domain sale?

Elon Musk’s Mars Oasis project wants to colonize the red planet in the near future; a new trademark for STARBASE has been filed. The mark’s particulars: Launch services, namely, launching the payloads of others into space, with an intend to use clause. The applicant is Delaware based Space Exploration Technologies Corp. That’s SpaceX to you! […]

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#Tesla dating : App runs on a .CO #domain name

Tesla is as much of a cult as it is a product. Today’s five way stock split creates a new dynamic for Elon Musk‘s corporation, now valued at more than $400 billion dollars. In 2011, the domain Tesla.com was acquired by then Tesla Motors for $11 million dollars. For the fans of the electric car, […]

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Thai cave rescue : Investor registers all 12 boys’ #domain names

The Thai cave rescue is underway, and the good news is that Elon Musk’s personal submarine won’t be needed after all. So far, out of 12 Thai boys that got stuck in a water-flooded cave along with their not-so-wise teacher, four have been brought to the surface, safe and sound. Meanwhile, an enterprising domainer has […]

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Joint ventures : Elon Musk launches X.com, acquires Y.com and Z.com as well

A few days after acquiring X.com, uber-entrepreneur, Elon Musk, has finally launched it. The minimalist web site, contains the letter “X” at the upper left corner, marking the spot most often reserved for a graphic or logo. “I’m a no-frills guy, and decided to just place the letter ‘X’ there. Who needs a complex, boring […]

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Father Domainicus on Elon Musk and the X.com domain deal

My brothers and sisters in domaining, I salute you; this is Father Domainicus, on a rare sunny and dry afternoon here in Florida. I have been working diligently to preserve the faith to our Domain Lord, rest assured, hallowed be His name. Many a domain investor inquired during the past 24 hours, about Elon Musk’s […]

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Five fun ideas about what Elon Musk might do with the domain X.com

Elon Musk spent an “X” amount of money to acquire the domain X.com from PayPal. Although it’s ironic that the transaction didn’t involve making PayPal payments, the Media Options brokerage most likely ended up being a lucrative one; when acting on behalf of a buyer, a domain broker’s bonus is inversely proportional to the acquisition […]

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Domains on the brain : Elon Musk launches Neuralink, gTLD gets registered

Serial entrepreneur, Elon Musk, announced the launch of Neuralink today; the start-up will focus on emerging technologies that fuse Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the human brain. The ambitious project intends to merge human brains with computers, providing a platform for people to keep up with and interact with machines. In doing so, the domain Neuralink.com […]

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