Non-com sightings in #NYC : It’s big dot .World out there!

Logan Flatt is spending the weekend in New York City; the busy domain investor celebrates his recent domain sales, among other things, with girlfriend Iris. Riding the New York City Subway can be an interesting experience. Logan knows that we keep track of non-com domains “in the wild” as an educational pastime, and he managed […]

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#ICANN to readjust budget : Massive sale of Home.Loans by Donuts was announced

ICANN’s recent budgetary cuts for 2018 might have to be readjusted, all thanks to the massive sale of the domain Home.Loans by Donuts, Inc. The new gTLD registry announced that it brokered the sale of Home.Loans for $500,000 dollars, or about 44.75 BTC at going rates. Citing new metrics arriving from the new gTLD market, […]

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Black Friday deals : Deep domain discounts up to 98% from Uniregistry

Uniregistry has revealed its Black Friday deals for the registration of gTLD domains it currently offers. Featuring deep discounts of up to 98% for new registrations, the offer will last from Friday November 25th, until November 30th. As usual, .XYZ domains are at the bottom of the discount barrel, with $0.25 a pop. Other discounts […]

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Facebook Workplace arrives with matching Work.Place gTLD domain

Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, announced the launch of a new service today, named Workplace. So what exactly is Facebook Workplace? According to Zuckerberg’s statement via Facebook: “One day, we realized other companies would benefit from using these tools and being more open as well. We started letting a few organizations around the world use our […]

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Rick Schwartz drops “worst” domain

There’s nothing wrong with speculative gTLD domain registrations, in a market that still tries to prove itself. Domain investor, Rick Schwartz, has been a supporter of meaningful gTLD domains, that is, domains that the keyword + gTLD form a pair. In the past we’ve seen the Domain King ® register such gems as Take.Vacations, and […]

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Your.Mom isn’t taken; Mike Berkens grabbed My.Mom

Is it Mother’s Day yet? 😀 Uniregistry has been rolling out dot .Mom like there’s no tomorrow, and China seems to be a big registrant target, according to statistics. Some people are spamming existing domain registrants of “mom” domains, even Frank Schilling’s email didn’t escape. The price of premium .Mom domains is in the thousands […]

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Fitness.Coach : Great name, shame about the renewal fee

New gTLDs can combine their keyword with the extension to form meaningful, SEO-ready pairs that create a strong brand. One such domain, Fitness.Coach, is made perfect for an industry ready to shed sweat, tears and money in order to be in shape. Alas, the associated renewal fee is $1,000 dollars according to its owner, who […]

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Who actually works in this damn domain industry?

There’s a lot of talk on the topic of money making in the domain industry, and much of it consists of air-filled promises for quick riches, if only you listen to the voices some have in their head. Whether you are a LLLL .com trader in the Chinese domain market, an investor in 6N or […]

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Uniregistry : New mass WHOIS tool can find available domains quickly

Uniregistry has been tweaking its WHOIS tool, preparing for a grand merger with Domain Name Sales in January. As one of the newest ICANN accredited domain registrars, Uniregistry’s growth is based on the easy to navigate, highly manageable domain panel it provides to domain account holders. Among domain investors, Uniregistry is also popular due to […]

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Domain Academy : Ryan Colby announces gTLD acquisition instead of .com

Outcome Brokerage founder, Ryan Colby, operates a closed Facebook community named “Domain Academy.” So far, the web site for the community has been using the domain, as the .com is owned by an unrelated party. In the ever expanding Internet name space, there are plenty of options available, and Ryan Colby seized one such […]

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Domain shocker: Google pulls out of the dot .APP auction citing honest mistake

The much-advertised auction for the new gTLD dot .APP is apparently back in limbo; in a shocking statement, Google retracts its bid of $25 million dollars as an ‘unfortunate error.’ “We are pulling out of that auction, good luck to the 2nd bidder, it was an honest mistake,” said Mark Gabinski, VP of gTLD infrastructure […]

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IBM takes the .Buzz domain via UDRP

Despite the new URS process that allows for trademark holders, particularly those of famous marks, to disable an offending gTLD domain, IBM took the UDRP route. In a case filed at the WIPO against the domain, the Complainant was International Business Machines Corporation. The UDRP was filed 4 months after the domain was […]

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