Web3 #domain squatting a real problem

Riding on the NFT craze arrives the so-called Web3 domain name squatting. Numerous non-official TLDs that exist on the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) blockchain are being registered and that’s a good thing. What’s not so good is the high number of trademark and brand infringements that take place in that namespace. Popular companies, their products […]

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Domains NOT to register: Your latest “Facebook” idea

Facebook is being used by more than one billion people worldwide, making it the largest and most successful social media platform ever. There are many reasons why Facebook became so successful, and one of them is its ability to connect people and share information, news and ideas – along with photos of grumpy cats. One […]

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Domains NOT to register: Any “Microsoft” domain

Whether you are a Microsoft fan and appreciate its products, such as Windows, Office etc., there is no excuse to go after registering domains that contain its famous trademarks. Even if you give yourself the excuse of being a loyal fan, and want to set up a blog or a review web site, those “noble” […]

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Domains NOT to register: CanonUSA .camera

Domainers don’t differ much from other consumers, and as such some get inspiration from existing products, services and corporate names. Alas, this approach is the surest path to generating infringing domain registrations. Trademark violations in domain registrations are common, and while some are unintentional due to the broad use of some words, others are downright […]

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