Seven with Sedo:,,, and 283 other .CO domains in auction

Sedo, our premium sponsor, is rolling out a week-long .CO auction of hand-picked domain names. Featuring 286 .CO domains the Sedo .CO auction takes place between July 18-25, 2024. All domains are listed with a low reserve price of 99 (USD/EUR/GBP.) From the list we picked 7 domains for this edition’s “Seven with Sedo.” Naturally, […]

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Upcoming Sedo auction: Submit your .CO domains for maximum exposure!

It’s almost mid-summer and Sedo has scheduled a hot dot .CO auction for those of you who want to submit their Colombian domain names for maximum exposure! πŸ™‚ Of course, we all know that .CO domains are viewed by Google as “generic” across the world. The Sedo .CO auction runs between July 18th to July […]

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Domain sightings: Container Rental Co(mpany) and its branding options

Corporations that contain the word “Company” often shorten it to “Co” and in the case of Container Rental Company, their domain as seen below is Container Rental Company is a leading solid waste disposal service provider serving Central Florida. They pride themselves on delivering quality, personal service at competitive prices. Their customer base ranges […]

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GoDaddy allegedly promotes self-owned, trademark domains on its search tool

A domain investor demonstrated results produced by the GoDaddy domain search tool and two things stand out: GoDaddy-owned domains and trademark violations. In a Twitter thread, the search performed is that of “Crystal” with the GoDaddy results containing a prompt to perform a brokered “acquisition” of priced at $69.99 dollars. It also displays a […]

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#Domain sightings: Joyful Boutique Spa .CO

Domain sightings are random encounters with domain names “in the wild,” and by that we mean in the real world. Such encounters occur when a domain is part of a vehicle wrap or sign, on business and street signs and billboards, or even products. We group them in .com domain sightings and pile all the […]

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The Domain King’s droppings : Someone registered a bunch of .CO #domains !

The Domain King, Rick Schwartz, experimented with .CO domain registrations in the past; the Colombian ccTLD is being used by companies and private registrants. Google ranks .CO as a generic TLD and not as a regional ccTLD. In other words, quality content created on .CO domains will rank globally, and not just regionally. It’s not […]

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Seven with #Sedo : Eighth anniversary auction of dot .CO #domain names!

Sedo, a premium DomainGang sponsor, is celebrating the 8th anniversary of dot .CO with a grand auction of premium domain names. More than 160 premium .CO keywords are available to acquire, when the Sedo auction begins this Thursday, July 26th; it will end on August 2nd, 2018. Dot .CO domains are used by tens of […]

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Woman business owner, Vicky Law, on choosing .CO #domains

Vicky Law isΒ  a serial entrepreneur, and a mother of three; on top of that, she owns and manages four brands that keep her busy on a daily basis: Perfect Bride, a one-stop wedding service company, Vimage Beauty Academy, a beauty school, PB Cosmetic, a cosmetic product brand, and V’s fragrance secret, a hand-made perfume […]

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Non-com sightings : Scoot runs great on a .CO domain

Keeping track of non-com domains “in the wild” is entertaining and fun at the same time; many such web sites are submitted by DomainGang visitors and readers. This time around, we’re sharing a .CO domain, Scoot.CO, that is a company offering electric scooters that can be rented out for a ride around the city. According […]

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Neustar : Dot .CO celebrates 5th Birthday with facts, figures and fun infographics!

Five years ago, Dot .CO opened its gates to the world, welcoming a galaxy of entrepreneurs, start-ups and companies. Today, 1.8 million domain registrations later, dot .CO is becoming the #1 choice for innovators, corporate founders and creative individuals seeking to innovate and empower their global online identity. Among the high growth start-ups that have […]

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Five figures: One of Sedo’s largest sales is a .CO domain

Sedo reports of domain sales have been averaging $2,000 to $3,000 over the course of more than a year; the domain venue generates its sizable revenue by selling vast quantities of domains. Then again, exceptions do happen; yesterday, domain broker Dave Evanson revealed the brokerage of for $120,000 dollars. Surprisingly, one of the largest […]

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Social media newcomer Ello: We’ll never show ads and here’s why

Social media newcomer, Ello, launched on the principle of not storing personal data and displaying no ads. Operating from, the company appears to have taken the noble cause of its existence rather seriously, and converted into a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC), in the state of Delaware. Here’s the full announcement: Ello is a simple, […]

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