Domain timeline: The chronology and evolution of the domain industry, the first registered domain name, came to life in March 1985 but before this a lot had to happen. Embark on a captivating journey that starts with the inception of ARPANET, travels through the groundbreaking creation of the DNS in 1983, and culminates in the emergence of over 1,500 domain extensions that define today’s […]

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The Top 10 ccTLDs powering the European domain market

Europe is a diverse continent with a robust digital landscape, home to over 740 million inhabitants and characterized by a high-speed digital ecosystem. This environment has led to the prominence of country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) as important markers of trust and local presence. Here are some facts and figures: In 2024, country code top-level […]

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Deep dive into domains with the Global Domain Report 2024 webinar

The latest Global Domain Report (2024 edition) was expertly produced by InterNetX and Sedo. Presenting data and analysis about the domain industry, it’s the quintessential digital report on current trends and upcoming developments. What’s better than reading the report? Having a presentation webinar, of course! On Wednesday April 17th, at 5:00 PM CEST (3:00 PM […]

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#InterNetX: 11 domain industry predictions for 2024

As an important player in the domain industry, InterNetX has been taking the pulse of the community; its annual Global Domain Report for 2024 will be released in the coming days. Our contribution to the GDR project, among those of select domain industry professionals, will be exploring the industry’s latest trends. You can download a […]

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Take a “deep dive” into .ai domains, courtesy of #InterNetX

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to dominate discussions and activity in the tech world. You’re about to take a “deep dive” into the empowerment of AI and .ai domain names, courtesy of InterNetX, that recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. A detailed article presents the rise of the .ai ccTLD and its significance in an industry overflowing […]

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Domain shadowing: An emerging threat used by cybercriminals

To cybersecurity experts, domain shadowing has emerged as a significant threat. Cybercriminals exploit legitimate domain names to carry out malicious activities while staying under the radar. Domain shadowing is a technique that cybercriminals use to secretly create and control subdomains under a legitimate domain, without the owner’s knowledge or consent. This tactic has become a […]

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Dot .io #domain names are trending—Here’s why

Ever since the first registration of a dot .io domain in 1997, the ccTLD that Google treats as “generic” has grown to more than 1,100,000 domains. Seen as a reference to “input/output” and thus attracting the computer crowd, the popular extension carries several characteristics, making it appealing to tech companies, gaming and e-sports websites, and […]

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Identity Digital interview: The domain customer journey

Shannon O’Donald, Director of Channel Marketing at Identity Digital, was interviewed by Simone Catania, Global Content & Communications Manager at InterNetX. The subject: The customer journey, navigating the ocean of domain names available. Identity Digital (formerly Donuts) manages the world’s most extensive portfolio of new gTLDs and as a top-notch domain brand strategist, Shannon develops […]

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It’s all about domains: The latest news about new gTLDs

Can you imagine the domain industry without any new gTLDs? The first new gTLD application round was launched on January 12, 2012 introducing more than 1,000 new TLDs—that’s a full decade ago! The opportunities in the namespace are set to increase again: Working behind the scenes is the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO), a policy-development […]

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