Car sales : The life and passion of a #domain investor from #Norway

Stian Eng Holtet is a long term domain investor from Norway, whose remarkable career course was mentioned on Norwegian media. The computer engineer and self-professed “computer nerd” makes a healthy profit every year, selling not domain names, but cars! We reached out to Stian in order to seek the translation of the article that covered […]

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#Domain information : Interview with #DoFo .com founder, Macit Tuna

DoFo stands for “domain information,” and it’s a new, visually attractive and functional domain resource service, providing – for free – details on hundreds of millions of domain names. Operating from, the service is currently in beta, but it’s a well-rounded service already. We reached out to Macit Tuna, founder of DoFo, to find […]

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Interview with Mike Robertson on the acquisition of by Directnic

Mike Robertson is the Director of Business Development at Directnic, new owners of domain registrar, We asked Mike to share with us some additional details about the acquisition, a substantial expansion of Directnic into managing the extensive domain portfolio of Here are his responses, in an exclusive interview. : Mike, congratulations on […]

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Domainer faces : Alexander, Alvin and George – three guys we met at MERGE! 2017

MERGE! 2017 in Orlando, Florida, brought together domain conference veterans and newcomers alike. We met several people from the domain industry who shared their story, and what motivates them on a day to day basis. Here are three of them, in alphabetical order. Alexander Schubert, from Germany, is a resident of Riga, Latvia for the […]

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Logan Flatt : Pro advice for newbies entering the domain market

Domain investor, Logan Flatt, scored a great sale with recently. The busy Texan has been sharing his modus operandi on how he negotiates with potential buyers, and his strategy is already influencing others. Still, newbies in the domain industry often have the false perception that domain investing is an easy task, without any inherent […]

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Tia Wood : Updates, development and massive domain clicks

Domain developer, Tia Wood, has been involved with the domain industry for more than a decade. After taking a two year break from freelancing by committing to the good old 9 to 5 schedule of remote employment, Tia is back in business. At the same time, Tia is back in school perusing her B.B.A, with […]

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Hotels.CLUB and huge room discounts : Five plus one questions with owner, George Verdugo

George Verdugo is a domain investor and serial entrepreneur, and co-owner of DNForum with Kevin Faler. Last year, George Verdugo acquired the premium domain, Hotels.CLUB, with a very specific business plan in mind: to offer heavily discounted hotel bookings. The new venture went live last week. We reached out to George to find out more […]

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DNForum : Interview with the new owners, George Verdugo and Kevin Faler, at NamesCon 2017

During NamesCon 2017, we had the pleasure to meet with and interview the new owners of DNForum, George Verdugo and Kevin Faler. changed hands very recently, after its former owner, Adam Dicker, sold it along with an assortment of other assets for an undisclosed amount, retaining zero interest in the venture. Kevin and George […]

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Domainer faces during NamesCon 2017 : Jason Polenick, GoDaddy

One of the coolest guys we met at NamesCon 2017 in Las Vegas, is Jason Polenick. The youthful looking GoDaddy employee is in fact an experienced domain industry veteran of 8 years with the largest registrar in the world, where he works as an Aftermarket Support Manager. During NamesCon, Jason stood out from the 50-strong […]

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Five questions with Bill Karamouzis at NamesCon 2017

We had late lunch with domain entrepreneur, Bill Karamouzis of today, at the Beach Cafe inside Tropicana. NamesCon 2017 opened its gates with network lanes today, a smaller but efficient area to review domain industry exhibits. Back to Bill Kara and lunch. DomainGang: Bill, how is your lunch, the chicken over fresh arugula looks […]

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Chef Patrick & the Castellos : The video interview legacy lives on

Patrick Ruddell might be long gone as a domain investor, but his domain blogger legacy lives on. Last time that “Chef Patrick” was involved with active blogging was in 2012, and since then he worked hard in real estate and eventually his donut shop business, Mini Doughnut Factory. Currently, Patrick’s old blog,, forwards to […]

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Monetary revolution : Nick Spanos and the Winklevoss Twins are “Banking on Bitcoin”

Domain investor, Nick Spanos, diversified his investments into real estate and Bitcoin – the new era cryptocurrency. In 2013, Spanos founded Bitcoin Center NYC – the only place in the U.S. dedicated to promoting Bitcoin, educating the public, and hosting the local Bitcoin community: “The highlight of the Bitcoin center is every Monday and Thursday night. Bitcoin […]

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