Dictionary.com : #Trademark application indicates new entity took over the domain

The operators of the domain Dictionary.com have applied for a federal trademark registration at the USPTO. The application for DICTIONARY.COM incorporates a graphical image as part of the mark. What makes this application interesting is that it’s been filed with an intent to use clause. While the domain was acquired by Rock Holdings in 2018, […]

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Generic #domains : Trademark applications for Tails.com, Wanna.com

Registrants of generic domain names have been flocking to the USPTO to register them as marks, ever since SCOTUS decided on the Booking.com case. We keep track of these applications, and while it takes 3 to 12 months for a trademark to be registered currently, the number of generic domains in the USPTO increases weekly. […]

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Generic #domains as #trademarks: Noble.com, Desktop.com, Guns.com at the #USPTO

Numerous registrants of generic domain names are filing for trademark registration at the USPTO, since the SCOTUS decision on Booking.com. These applications include the TLD, and so far it’s all about .com domains. We keep track of these trademark applications, as an interesting twist of how generic domain names are becoming trademarks. Let’s take a […]

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Generic #domains : Aircraft.com files for #trademark registration at the USPTO

The SCOTUS decision on Booking.com has led many registrants of generic domain names to file for trademark registration at the USPTO. These applications include the TLD, and so far it’s all about .com domains. We keep track of these applications, as an interesting twist of how generic domain names apply to be used as a […]

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Generic #domains as trademarks: Sneakers.com and Permit.com at the #USPTO

Once SCOTUS delivered a green light decision on the Booking.com trademark application, many generic domain registrants rushed to file for similar trademarks at the USPTO. Generic domain names are being applied for as matching trademarks – with the TLD included. We’ve been reporting on these trademark applications for the past two months, and there’s always […]

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#Trademark .COM applications: #Domains include Compare, Business, Slaps, Outside, Wine, Alert

The game is heating up at the USPTO since the approval by SCOTUS of the Booking.com trademark application. Lots of generic .COM domain are being applied for as trademarks, inclusive of the TLD. We keep track of and report on these fresh trademark applications involving generic domain names – single worders and LLL .com acronyms. […]

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Generic #domains : Trademark applications for Gambling.com, Rugs.com, Shop.com

Trademark applications at the USPTO for terms matching generic domains are surging, all thanks to the decision by SCOTUS on the Booking.com case. Owners of generic domains are applying for the registration of marks that include the extension, and it’s all .COM so far. Here are the latest applications to register trademarks matching generic domain […]

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RSS.com : The latest domain #trademark application at the #USPTO riding on the Booking.com decision

Domain name owners are taking advantage of the SCOTUS decision on Booking.com, applying for the registration of trademarks that contain generic domain names. The latest application involves the three letter domain name, RSS.com. The application at the USPTO cites July 25, 2020 as the date of first use, for the following services: “Cloud-based file storage […]

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Generic #domains : Cams.com, Liquidation.com, Bumper.com apply for matching #trademarks

The bag of Aeolus opened wide when SCOTUS decided on the Booking.com case. Since then, several generic domain registrants applied for the registration of trademarks matching the full domain name. We’ve discussed the cases of Ladder.com & Ladders.com, alongside Beauty.com, and Cruises.com. Notable applications include Jerky.com and Fetch.com, all while Porn.com is also waiting in […]

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Generic? Jerky.com and Fetch.com are new #trademark applications

Following the decision by SCOTUS on the Booking.com case, two new trademark applications for domain names were spotted at the USPTO. Fetch.com, applied for a trademark registration for FETCH.COM – nothing too surprising! The application is for: Computer application software for mobile phones and tablet computers, namely, software used to facilitate peer-to-peer pick-up and delivery […]

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Betting.com registrant’s trademark application was abandoned in 2000

Game Lounge acquired Betting.com in a domain rebranding deal worth seven figures, or more. The acquisition of Betting.com is interesting as it coincides with the decision about Booking.com and its matching trademark BOOKING.COM. In 2000, Christopher Latter, original registrant of Betting.com, applied for a trademark at the USPTO for Betting.com, but his application was abandoned. […]

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#Booking yeah! But don’t rush registering your generic #domains as trademarks

The US Supreme Court today affirmed that the domain name “booking.com” can be registered as a trademark (BOOKING.COM) instead of seen as merely a generic domain name. The decision should be well-perceived by many domain name investors that hold generic domain names. But a little detail hidden in the decision determines which domains qualify as […]

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