Dan.com: No more domain rentals; BIN and LTO options to remain

In an email to Dan.com account holders, the popular domain marketplace owned by GoDaddy announced that users will no longer be able to list domains for rent. The option to rent domains wasn’t as popular as the lease to own, or the BIN options that both remain. Said today’s announcement: “As of July 10, 2024, […]

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Squadhelp: Premium domain listings exclude Dan.com but this might change

Premium domain listings at Squdhelp are allowed to be cross-listed on Afternic and the Sedo MLS; in contrast, they are not allowed on Dan.com. Unlike Afternic that accepts domain listings directly from Dan.com using an API, Squadhelp has decided to not utilize Dan.com as a permitted platform for cross-posting domains. Apparently, this decision requires the […]

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Dan rolls out updates proving it was a worthy acquisition

Dan.com rolled out a new product update, codenamed #7, with plenty of additions and improvements. The latest batch of updates arrives two months after update #6, proving that Dan’s acquisition by GoDaddy was quite worthy; meanwhile, Afternic 2.0 is still in the works. So what’s new at Dan.com? Here are some highlights: Afternic Reseller Network […]

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Pay as you like: Sedo has added six new payment methods

Sedo, our premium sponsor, announced the addition of six new payment methods for the Sedo.com marketplace. It’s now “Pay as you like” at Sedo, the world’s leading domain marketplace. Purchasing domains and paying for services is more flexible and comfortable than ever before. These six new payment methods have been added: American Express (CC) Cartes […]

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DAN rolls out DAN Jr. marketplace for budget-minded #domainers

Popular domain marketplace, DAN, is expanding with the immediate launch of DAN Jr. Aimed at domains that are priced way lower than $1,000 dollars, DAN Jr. intends to become the junior marketplace within DAN. “A lot of domain investors prefer to quickly flip domains for a couple of hundred bucks, or less, and this is […]

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#PerfectDomain : New #domain marketplace launches

PerfectDomain.com is a new domain name marketplace, catering to new and seasoned domainers. We received the following press release, that delivers detailed information about PerfectDomain and its features: Perfectdomain.Com Debuts New Services to Streamline the Purchase and Sale of Domains – List your domains with us today! And get noticed! PerfectDomain has officially announced the […]

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Top of the world : #Sedo CEO delivers speech from the Austrian Alps

It doesn’t always get lonely at the top; Tobias Flaitz, CEO of Sedo since early 2012, delivered an enthusiastic speech atop the Austrian Alps. Thanking the employees of Sedo for their hard work and contributions in making the company the top domain marketplace, Tobias Flaitz also took credit for leading Sedo to the top: I […]

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Marketplace : Your not so best #domain name for $1,000 bucks

Second-Rate Domains, a new marketplace to offload your domain “gems” opened its gates on Tuesday. Fred Malitanowski, founder, explains the rationale behind the creation of this unique domain name marketplace: “I got sick and tired of seeing ads inviting users to sell their ‘best domain’ for a thousand bucks. What kind of lowballing chutzpah is […]

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Undeveloped.com rebrands its domain marketplace, adding new features

Domain marketplace Undeveloped, has announced a number of new features and improvements to its marketplace, including a complete rebranding. Some of these features include the following, according to the information that we were sent: New brand and marketplace to be more appealing to end-users. Increased discoverability of domains listed on our marketplace with the addition […]

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NameBros : Aftermarket domain marketplace

To succeed with private aftermarket domain sales, one needs a great brand, and NameBros caught our attention recently. Stemming from a slight typo of a popular domain forum, NameBros.com ended up being a pleasant surprise. πŸ˜€ The web site displays a grid of catchy domains, showcased with a relatively related logo image. Visualizing the essence […]

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Domain Marketplace 5-way comparison : Final standings

We ran an extensive, detailed five way comparison of large and popular domain auction venues, comparing their designs for effective delivery of user experience (UX). The 5 domain marketplaces were reviewed in alphabetical order, and comparison was focused on the presentation of domain inventory, ease of navigation and other aesthetics that affect how visitors interact […]

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Domain Marketplace 5-way comparison : Part #5 – Sedo

It’s the final battle of the domain venue giants to determine who’s doing the job right; User experience (UX) design is the quintessential element that can make or break a web site for its users. So far we covered Afternic, Flippa, GoDaddy Auctions and NameJet; today’s the turn of Sedo, the German company with offices […]

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