Rick Schwartz kickstarts Domainfest Santa Monica – Day 1

In a gesture signifying unity and domain empowerment, the legendary domain king – Rick Schwartz – addressed the crowds at Domainfest Santa Monica, earlier today. “Folks, I am pleased to be here at Domainfest, to talk about opportunity and how to grab it by the horns”, said Rick. “This year is a crucial year and […]

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The Frank Schilling – Chef Patrick connection

The domain industry is so small still, that a game of “Six degrees of Frank Schilling” would be pointless: everyone is usually no more one or two hops away from Frankie. Several domainers that have met Frank Schilling are thus one degree of “separation” away, regardless of a business relationship to this uber-domainer. Sometimes, however, […]

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Old Domainfest photos mysteriously disappear!

We thought it’d be technically impossible, but it has happened: Hundreds of photos from previous Domainfest gatherings have now disappeared. DNJournal chief editor, Ron Jackson stated: “I woke up this morning to have my coffee at the patio as usual and while perusing my previous posts about Domainfest, I was shocked to find that all […]

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So who is NOT attending Domainfest Santa Monica?

February 1st marks the day that Domainfest Global launches its 3-day conference. Many popular domainers live in California and the conference will essentially be a homecoming event. Those that will be attending from out of state, such as domain investor and developer Elliot Silver, will be flying cross-country for the opportunity to socialize and do […]

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