Domain lowballers: It goes both ways

When domain lowballers complain about a domain’s asking price, or make an offer that is undeniably offensively low, it’s time to strike back. Under no circumstances should a domain investor succumb to the nuances that domain investing is an illegal, questionable activity. Commentary left by lowballers often questions an entire industry, which is nearing 30 […]

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Domain offers: Polite email to a college student

College students are often in need of domain names, as assignment and thesis requirements might ask for a presentation online via a web site. That being said, many domain inquiries from college students that arrive in the mailboxes of domain investors, are 100% bogus. It’s simply another domain investor being sneaky, or an entrepreneur working […]

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Rick Schwartz: “GO AWAY!”

If there’s one lesson to learn from the top domain investor, Rick Schwartz, is how to decline and say “no” to domain offers that don’t reflect proper value. The Domain King has been sharing his experience as a domain investor and as an entrepreneur; having turned down offers totaling millions of dollars, he knows how […]

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Buyer: This #domain has “sentimental value”

Domain buyers contacting registrants of domains for sale have been placing “lowball” offers for years. A common approach is to claim that one is a poor student, working on some kind of “thesis” with a limited budget that can only fund so much of a domain’s asking price. Of course, all this is an attempt […]

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Clueless “businessman” threatens #domain investor over 19 year old dot .com

The chutzpah of random strangers these days. A self-professed “businessman” sent out a lowball offer, along with threats to a domain investor. What was that all about? For starters, the aged, generic .com domain was registered in 1999. That’s 19 years ago and eons in Internet time. Domain investor, Joshua Schoen, who is the founder […]

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Got a lowball offer for your #domain name? Here’s how to respond internationally

There are many ways to respond to a lowball offer, when it arrives in the form of single or double digits. Even higher price ranges are considered lowball, when the amount offered in no way matches the quality of the domain, such as LLL .com domains or generics. A common approach would be to lash […]

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Lowball offers on LLL .com domains now a crime

A new domain law that is part of the Obama healthcare plan has been passed; the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision on the “Obamacare” plan has now set things in stone. Provision 23.c of the Healthcare for all Americans states the following: “[…] Monetary offers in exchange for established three letter (LLL) dot com domain names, […]

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Top 10 Ways to respond to a Lowball Offer

As domainers, we receive them all the time: the much-dreaded, despicable, nerve-wracking offers that don’t even take into account the cost of renewing the domain. The Lowball Offers. They arrive via emails, phonecalls or via online venues such as Sedo, GoDaddy, Network Solutions or Afternic. Lowball offers are several zeros short of a full price, […]

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A Mini-Guide on how to protect yourself against time-wasting lowballers

So you got an email inquiring about that ultra generic, long-tail domain of yours, let’s call it The email appears to be legitimate, from an end-user that really wants to give you tons of money for it. Or is he? Let’s talk about several clues that would make you decide quickly whether you’re communicating […]

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